Trump decries violence but calls on media to end 'hostility'


MOSINEE, Wis. – President Donald Trump decried the threat of political violence and called on the media to end his hostility on Wednesday.

President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, CNN and others, Trump's Pleas for Harmony. The scripted message was a dissonant for the president, who has repeatedly blasted his political opponents as criminals and argued that they will destroy the country if they win control of Congress in the midterms.

"We want to come together in peace and harmony," he said at a campaign rally in Wisconsin. "Any acts or threats of political violence are an attack on our democracy itself."

The president noted the unusually subdued tone of his remarks.

"By the way, do you see how nice I'm behaving tonight?" He said. "Have you ever seen this?"

Law enforcement authorities have ascribed no motive to crime. Still, it has gotten to a dangerous political climate. Trump critics have blamed him for the tone.

The president did not take any responsibility.

Those "engaged in the political arena" must "stop treating political opponents as being morally defective," he said. He also referenced high-profile incidents in which conservatives have been accosted in restaurants and public spaces by political critics.

He added: "The media also has a responsibility to set a civilian tone and to stop the hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories."

Trump has been frequently tagged with "fake news" and many reporters as "enemies of the people."

Trump spoke to a central Wisconsin rally as he looked to boost struggling Republican candidates less than two weeks out of the midterm elections. He visited the tiny city of Mosinee, which has a population of 4,000. He won that part of the state by double digits in 2016.

Republicans in the state have been growing nervous about the leadership of the governor's office, held by Scott Walker, let alone state Sen. Leah Vukmir's chances of picking up a U.S. Senate seat held by a well-established Democratic incumbent.

Mindful of the National Context, Trump Refrained from Delivering Some of the Reputations of Clinton and California Rep. Maxine Waters, whose office was a target of two explosive mail.

But he had harsh words for Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, branding her Vukmir's "radical far-left opponent" who "wants a socialist takeover of health care."

"You know I'm trying to say that very nicely," he told the crowd with a smile. "Normally I'd scream, 'They want a socialist takeover!' 'He said, mimicking his own bellicose delivery. "Now I say, 'Wants to socialist takeover,' 'he said, feigning a professorial tone.

"I'm trying to be nice."

Colvin reported from Washington.

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