Trump, Putin promises to cooperate on Syria, ensure the security of Israel – News from the United States


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday inaugurated the much-awaited joint press conference with US President Donald Trump on Tuesday, saying that the US president paid particular attention to Israel at their summit. Trump echoed that Russia and the United States will work together to help ensure Israeli security.

million. Putin added that all conditions were ripe for effective cooperation in Syria, calling for the implementation of the 1974 separation agreement between Israel and Syria to bring peace to the Golan Heights. Trump said that he stressed the importance of putting pressure on Iran, while Putin said that the United States was aware of Russia's position on the nuclear agreement Iranian.

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Trump said that he saw no reason to believe that Russia had hacked the 2016 US presidential election to help win, and Vladimir Putin "was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today ".

At a rousing press conference after a face-to-face meeting with the Russian president, Trump did not say a word about Russia on the issues that brought the relations between Washington and Moscow to a weak cold war.

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When asked if he trusts US intelligence agencies that conclude that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections, he says his CIA chief told him that it was not the case. was Russia, but that he saw no reason to believe it.

"President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today," Trump said.

Our relationship with Russia has never been worse thanks to many years of stupidity and American stupidity and now the Rigged witch hunt

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018 Trump and Putin arrived Monday at the presidential palace in Helsinki for a long-awaited summit, a few hours after Trump blamed the United States, and not Russian electoral interference or its annexation of the Crimea, for a low point in the United States. Relations between Russia and Russia

While the two leaders were preparing to begin their summit, Trump told reporters that the United States and China "are the two largest nuclear powers in the world … It's a bad thing, not a good thing … I hope we can about that. "

The drama was played against a background of fraying Western alliances, a new peak in the Russian investigation and fears that Moscow's aggression would not be disputed.

"Our relationship with Russia has never been worse," tweeted Trump Monday morning, accusing "many years of American nonsense and nonsense and now, witch hunt!"

The summit, which was closely watched by the capitals of the world, was condemned in advance by members of Congress of both parties after indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers accused of to have hacked the Democrats during Trump's election. presidential campaign. Undeterred, the US president had to confront Putin, the authoritarian leader for whom he expressed admiration.

Trump was welcomed to the palace by the President of Finland. The summit began later than planned because Putin arrived in Helsinki about half an hour late in another display of the famous lack of punctuality of the Russian leader. Trump seemed to return the favor until Putin arrived at the palace before leaving his hotel. Putin has been late for past meetings with the Pope and the British Queen, among many others.

Trump and his collaborators have tried several times to reduce expectations on what the summit will accomplish. He told CBS News that he was "not expecting anything" from Putin, while his national security advisor said that the US was not looking for "concrete deliverables" . Trump told reporters at a Monday breakfast with the Finnish president that he thought the summit would go "well".

The meeting comes as questions revolve around whether Trump will publicly and roughly reprimand his Russian counterpart for the electoral interference that provoked a special council investigation that Trump repeatedly labeled a "hunt for witches ".

Netanyahu: The leaders will discuss Iran, Syria

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Moscow for talks with Putin on Israel's request to see Iranian forces leave Syria. Netanyahu said he had spoken to Trump on Saturday regarding "security and diplomatic issues in the light of developments in the region, with Syria and Iran foremost, of course".

These issues, said Netanyahu, will also be raised at Trump's meeting with Putin. "I thanked President Trump for his strong policy against Iran because, since this policy was taken, we have seen a great effect on and inside of the US. Iran, "said Netanyahu. "President Trump has clearly reiterated his commitment to the security of Israel and his willingness to badist the state of Israel in various fields and, of course, I thanked him for it."

  Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump attend a meeting in Helsinki on July 16, 2018


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