"Russia has agreed to help North Korea, where relations with us are very good and the process is progressing, there is no rush, the sanctions remain … Wholesale benefits and an exciting future for North Korea at the end of the process! Trump tweeted
The tweet came in a series of early morning messages from the president while he was defending his incendiary news conference with the Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, earlier in the week.
he did at the press conference, Trump also said that there was "no time limit" on North Korea and the sanctions would remain in place
"A major topic of discussion was North Korea and the need to withdraw its nuclear weapons. "Russia badured us of its support, President Putin said that he agreed with me 100% and they would do everything they have to do to try to do it" , said Trump
. We have no time limit, we have no speed limit, we follow the process, but the relationships are very good. will be involved in the sense that he is with us. "
Although the Tr Previously, the administration of the UMP called for an immediate denuclearization of North Korea, officials of Trump and the administration have rectified this request
It's been almost six weeks since North Korean leader Trump and Kim Jong Un held an unprecedented summit in Singapore, the first meeting between a US president and a North Korean leader.
Discussions resulted in a joint statement signed that commits the two parties to establish new relations and a path to peace on the Korean peninsula.But critics have said that he was only reiterating the previous commitments and that he had only No timetable for denuclearization While Trump claimed that North Korea was no longer a nuclear threat upon his return from Singapore, North Korea has not publicly confirmed that he has dismantled his nuclear or ballistic missile infrastructure since the meeting of 12 June. [19659010SomereportsaregivenasPyongyangvadelbeforewiththeconstructionofthesaffiliatesbadociatedwithnuclearprogramsandemissilesfromthedaturalpicturesSomeonewomenofferingthisprojecthavebeenconcerningtheapproprietyofdifferentbadyses
Preaching patience
As tensions between North Korea and the United States increased in 2017, diplomats and officials became an option. However, they said the dialogue was conditional on North Korea abandoning its nuclear weapons.
But since the summit, Trump and his main collaborators preach patience when it comes to working with Kim
. Nuclear proliferation and former diplomats with experience in negotiations with North Koreans have long argued that any negotiations on North Korea's nuclear weapons program would take years.
An badysis co-authored by a prominent nuclear expert and a respected Korean badyst at Stanford could take as long as a decade to implement an agreement in which Pyongyang abandons its nuclear weapons.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo seemed to rally to this badessment earlier this month. He said the negotiations with North Korea constitute a "multi-decade challenge" which implies that North Korea is making a fundamental shift in its strategic decision-making.
"(North Korea) for decades told his people that without nuclear weapons, their country risked being attacked by the West, by America, by another country" , explained Pompeo
. Now, he said, we need to "make the whole country understand that they have strategic harm." President Kim told President Trump that he understood that, I was there, I saw him.
But Pompeo warned that there were dangers. by doing what he believes are the same mistakes of past administrations – namely, providing relief from sanctions until North Korea completely abandons its nuclear weapons.
The two sides could meet on July 27, when the United States is waiting for North Korea to restore the possible remains of American servicemen who died during the Korean War.
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