By Agence France-Presse
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the United States was aware of an undisclosed North Korean missile bases revealed by US researchers but insisted all was fine.

Seoul and Korea badysts performed in a CSIS report which baderted that Pyongyang is operating undeclared missile bases (AFP / MANILA BULLETIN)

Seoul and Korea badysts performed in a CSIS report which baderted that Pyongyang is operating undeclared missile bases (AFP / MANILA BULLETIN)
"Trump, who is seeking a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, wrote on Twitter.
"I will be the first to let you know things go bad!" He said.
Researchers at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank, said Tuesday that satellite imagery had found 13 missile bases undeclared by North Korea.
The bases could be used to hide mobile, nuclear-capable missiles, the study said, that North Korea could preserve the sites – and the ability to attack – even as it negotiates with Trump on a potentially landmark agreement.
Trump described a report on the findings by The New York Times as "inaccurate" and "fake news."
South Korea, also earlier, said that it was known for years.
Kim Eui-kyeom, spokesman for South Korea's president, Moon Jae-in, disputed that North Korea was being deceived as Pyongyang had never promised to get rid of short-range missiles.
The CSIS report said that the basics were scattered around North Korea and at times in narrow mountain valleys, meaning they could be quickly moved to launch strikes.
CSIS expert Victor Cha, who was a top adviser to train president George W. Bush, said the report underscored the risk of Trump accepting a "bad deal" in which North Korea only dismantles its most visible weapons infrastructure.
Trump has declared himself "in love" with Kim after a first-ever summit between the two nations' leaders held in June in Singapore.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has visited North Korea for the first time in the United States. 1950-53 Korean War – a longtime goalie of the dynastic safeguard its survival.
Trump, however, told a news conference last week that he was in "no rush" on North Korea after a senior delegation abruptly canceled a planned meeting with Pompeo in New York.
North Korea has had its first missile, and it is said that the United States, many experts are skeptical of the claim.
The disputable is that North Korea could quickly badault South Korea, including its capital Seoul, and Japan in a crisis.
North Korea deploys medium-range missiles just 55 to 100 miles (90 to 150 kilometers) from the Demilitarized Zone that divides the peninsula.
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