Trump says, "They love me a lot in the UK." These protesters do not agree.


million. Khan, the mayor, approved the march

"Londoners have always chosen hope rather than fear, unity in relation to division, and have addressed the challenges with optimism rather than despair" , writes Mr. Khan in the London Evening Standard. "Time and time again, our city has chosen hope over fear and unity over division, and we have more than ever the responsibility to defend our values ​​and to make our voices heard in the world." We want and need the United States to be on our side as a symbol of tolerance, openness and respect – as has always been the case before. "

Owen Jones, leftist journalist and chief organizer of the "Stop Trump" "Protests, said Wednesday:" We must show that we abhor all that Trump represents: fanaticism, racism, anti-Muslim prejudice and misogyny. "

Friday morning , some protesters plan to follow Trump at Checkers, the Prime Minister's country house, where he and Ms. May will discuss security and trade issues

The main event, "Together Against Trump", is scheduled for London for 14 hours. Friday, with the giant ball. Muslim groups also plan to demonstrate after Friday prayers. Police expect more than 100,000 protesters.

On Saturday, supporters plan to march from the US Embbady to Whitehall, where government offices are concentrated, including those of the prime minister. The metropolitan police said Thursday that it was imposing restrictions on this rally and a counter-demonstration "to prevent serious disorder and disruption of Londoners."

At Windsor Castle in West London, where Mr. Trump and his wife are meeting Queen Elizabeth II, the protests are expected. The president and the first lady will then go to the Trump Turnberry Golf Club in Scotland, where they will spend the weekend. "Donald Trump is not welcome here," said Scottish Labor and Scottish Green in a statement. "The horrible scenes on the Mexican border are a repudiation of decent human values.Cageing children like animals is barbaric.We can not deploy the red carpet for an American president who treats human beings in this way."

The ball "Trump Baby" could follow the president in Scotland. Thousands of people have also signed a petition asking for permission to fly the ball over the Turnberry Golf Course, where the president is expected to play Saturday.

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