Trump thanks Kim as North Korea hands over remains of missing American soldiers


Delegates from countries participating in the Korean War salute the coffins of six US soldiers draped in the United Nations flag during an attempted repatriation to a US military base in Seoul on April 12, 2007. From 1996 in 2005, joint US-North Korean military research teams conducted 33 recovery operations that collected 229 sets of US remains. North Korea's last visit dates back to 2007, when Bill Richardson, former UN ambbadador and governor of New Mexico, got the return of six games.

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According to officials, a first step in the implementation of an agreement reached at a landmark summit in June took place during the Korean War between 1950 and 1930.

The delivery of the boxes, draped in the blue and white United Nations flag, represents a modest diplomatic triumph for US President Donald Trump of his June 12 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to Singapore that was aimed primarily at persuading North Korea to abandon a nuclear weapons program that threatens the United States "Right now, a plane is carrying the remains of some of America's great fallen heroes of the Korean War, "said Trump during an event at the White House.

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We have many more to come. But I want to thank President Kim in front of the media for keeping a promise that he made me. And I'm sure he'll continue to fulfill that promise by looking for, searching for and looking for, "said Trump.

The transfer of the remains coincided with the 65th anniversary of the 1953 armistice that has put an end to the clashes between North Korea and China, the US-led South Korean armed forces, both parties remain technically at war because a peace treaty has not never been signed.

More than 7,700 American soldiers who fought in the Korean War are still missing, including about 5,300 in present-day North Korea.

The commitment to transfer remnants of war were seen as a gesture of goodwill by Kim at the summit.Although it took longer than some US officials hoped, the transfer will boost hopes for progress in the nuclear talks area, which seems up until now.

Kim is engaged in a broad summit declaration towards denuclearization. In a statement on restitution of the remains, the White House said it was "encouraged by North Korea's actions and momentum for positive change," he added. "While South Korea called it" significant progress that could help build confidence "between Washington and Pyongyang

A US military transport aircraft headed for an airfield at Wonsan, northeast of the South Korea Korea

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In Osan, Uniformed Soldiers Wearing White Gloves The United States Command has stated that the remains would be flown to Hawaii for processing there by the United States Defense Agency (POW / MIA)

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, said July 15 that Washington and Pyongyang had agreed to restart field operations in North Korea to search for the thousands of Americans who have never returned from North Korea

. Defense, Jim Mattis, said Friday that the US military was "absolutely" considering the possibility of sending personnel to North Korea for this purpose. The United States and North Korea conducted such joint research from 1996 to 2005, when Washington disrupted operations, raising concerns about the safety of its personnel as Pyongyang intensified its operations. Its nuclear program

More than 400 caskets of remains found in North Korea were returned to the United States between the years 1990 and 2005, with the bodies of some 330 other Americans also accounted for, according to the Agency's the POW / MIA Defense.

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The program has helped bring vital currency vital to North Korea, which has been under US sanctions for decades. However, reviving it could complicate US efforts to persuade countries around the world to maintain economic pressure on Pyongyang.

Pyongyang renewed calls for a declaration of the end of the Korean War, calling it "the first process for peace" and Washington believes that Washington is determined to build a peace mechanism to replace the armistice when North Korea has denuclearized.

North Korea continues to produce fuel for nuclear bombs despite its promise to denuclearize, while claiming that the United States is making progress in its talks with Pyongyang

. dismantle a missile test site, something that Kim has also promised in Singapore, and called "a good thing, progress".

However, he said that North Korea has pledged to abide by the denuclearization commitments of its summit and stressed the need to maintain the sanctions until it do it.

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