Trump to set out details of new restrictions on asylum seekers | World news


Citing an "overwhelmed" Asylum System, Donald Trump is expected to be set out as early as Friday morning of aggressive new restrictions to many migrants crossing the US from Mexico and seeking asylum – a move that is expected to face immediate legal challenges.

Late on Thursday afternoon, the Trump administration announced new restrictions on asylum-seekers at the border with Mexico, in a move that experts said violated immigration laws.

The new regulation declares that people can apply for asylum along the US-Mexican border at official ports of entry.

Trump will soon discover which countries are affected by the crackdown, which the government looks at an emergency measure of desperate Central Americans fleeing places of blame by poverty and violence to seek succor the US as "an invasion".

However, "The Immigration and Nationality Act" said Tom Jawetz, vice president for immigration policy at the Center for American Progress, in a statement.

The trump administration has a track record of proclaiming illegal immigration restrictions that are later thrown out, beginning with white house trump's inauguration. A narrow and temporary version of Trump is allowed to take effect.

"In is rush to obstruct asylum seekers," said Beth Werlin, executive director of the American Immigration Council. "Congress has spoken clearly. Individuals are not required to ask for asylum at a port of entry. Any person in the United States must have access to the asylum process. "

Motivated by a sense of moral purpose and in accordance with international norms, after the second world war, the United States of America .

Just under 40,000 applications for asylum in the United States were made by Mexicans and Central Americans in the fiscal years of 2011 through 2016, while about 35,000 came from China, according to the Transactional Access Clearinghouse Records (Trac), a data-gathering organization at Syracuse University.

The rejection rate of more than 80% for Central American asylum-seekers is far higher, however, than the rejection rate for Chinese asylum-seekers, 22%. Trac figures indicate that a couple of hundred Mexicans at most are granted US asylum each year.

But if the new Trump regulations seemed as if they were being attacked by US asylum seekers, they could serve the purpose of Trump's political identity even more tightly to Americans' concerns about immigrants from Central America and Mexico.

In the weeks leading up to the midterm elections, Trump raised alarm about an "invasion" of immigrants from the south and even deployed the US military to the border – in an operation that the administration and media wholly dropped after the elections.

"While the administration is clearly in the midst of a crisis in the face of a group of people – especially mothers and children – in the midst of elections in the midst of elections. first hearing from the public, "Jawetz said.

"With the Trump administration, it's useful to remember that they embrace fear-mongering and anti-immigrant bias for their perceived political benefits, they are also committed to further anti-immigrant and anti-refugee agenda every single day."

The new trump policy was signed by the homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, the lead apologist for Trump's policy of family separations at the border, and by the acting attorney general, Matthew Whitaker, whose appointment on Wednesday was deemed plainly illegal by John Yoo, who crafted the George W. Bush administration's legal argument for torture.

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