Trump was secretly recorded talking about paying the Playboy model


U.S. Former personal attorney of President Donald Trump has secretly recorded Trump discussing a potential payment for a former Playboy model having had an affair with him, said Friday people aware of an investigation into the lawyer

. Rudy Giuliani, who said that the recording shows that Trump has done nothing wrong.

Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen surreptitiously did register two months before Trump's election in 2016, according to a person experiencing a federal investigation into Cohen. The FBI now has, according to the person, who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing investigation.

The conversation between Trump and Cohen came a few weeks after the parent company of National Enquirer entered into an agreement to pay the former Playmate Karen McDougal for her story of a 2006 affair, which was the first time it was over. she has never published – a tabloid practice known as "catch and kill". Trump denies that the case ever took place

The former Playboy model Karen McDougal, right, poses with the founder and editor of Playboy magazine Hugh Hefner in May 1998. McDougal claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump in 2006. / RC / Reuters)

The company, American Media Inc., is headed by David Pecker, a friend and supporter of Trump.

The payment of the company actually silenced McDougal through the election, although the Wall Street Journal. At the time, a spokesman for Trump said his campaign had "no knowledge of all of this."

But in the recorded conversation, he and Cohen had discussed the issue. purchase rights from the history of McDougal at the Enquirer.

The transaction never took place

Giuliani stated that the conversation between the two men was very brief

"The transaction that Michael is talking about on the tape never happened, but what's important is: If that happened, the president said that it had to be done properly and that it had to be done by check, "to keep a record, Giuliani told the AP."

Cohen, his attorneys and McDougal's attorney immediately responded to the messages. "Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis declined to comment on the New York Times, which first reported on the news.

The payment of the Enquirer to the former Central gave the tabloid exclusive rights to any story that it could ever say to have affair with a married man

Later, she publicly alleged that Enquirer had deceived her in accepting the affair and threatened to ruin her if she broke it. After pursuing the tabloid seeking to invalidate the contract in March, Enquirer agreed to allow him to tell his story.

Cohen, a self-described fixer for Trump for over a decade, said last year that he "would take a bullet" for Trump. But Cohen told an interviewer earlier this month that he is now putting "family and country first" and will not let anyone paint him as "a villain of this story."

"Stay tuned"

His story, Cohen met in New York Friday morning with Reverend Al Sharpton, a frequent critic of Trump.

Cohen and Sharpton said in tweets that they've known each other for 20 years. Cohen has been contacting the civil rights activist in recent weeks, said Rachel Noerdlinger, Sharpton's long-time spokesperson.

Trump's current lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said the payment has never been made and that the record shows that Trump has done nothing wrong.

She said that the two conversations revisited that they had had in years when Cohen was Sharpton's conduit to Trump during clashes over race issues The Obama Birth Certificate

Cohen tweeted that there is "no better person to talk to!" than Sharpton, who used her own Twitter account to advise readers: "Stay tuned."

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