Yooka-Laylee wears his Banjo-Kazooie influence on his sleeve. Between character grunts, level design, music and gameplay, Yooka-Laylee can almost be mistaken for a Nintendo 64 platform game. Fortunately, it's not as ugly as a game from that time, due to its release in the last year and not 1996. The developer Playtonic Games seeks however, to change that.
It hurts to watch
The people of Playtonic have streamed a YouTube video on their channel today, showing a new tonic added to Yooka-Laylee:
I love the way the team makes fun of the tonic's ability to turn the world into an ugly one. This 64-bit shader will soon be available for free and was in fact part of an extensible Kickstarter lens.
Playtonic explains the tonic as follows:
To activate it, visit your local Vendi and attend the resolution of the game that crumbles in front of your eyes! We also limited the frame rate, limited lighting, shadows and shadows, and applied a clever line scan effect to create the optimal 64-bit illusion. This is the closest to the year 1998 without cashing Sunny D in a pair of Dr. Martins.
More details will soon be available regarding the filter and its release date. Even if I want it, it 's certainly pretty cool and a damn good representation of the game in the 64 – bit era.
What do you think of the coming of the retro tonic in the readers? Yooka-Laylee? Let us know in the discussion below.
[Source, /Via]Turn a blind eye: Yooka-Laylee will receive Tonic's 64-bit graphical downgrade was last modified: October 26, 2018 by Arthur Damian

Arthur Damian is a writer, publisher, educator and video game lover. Settled and living in Brooklyn, NY, he has been playing since the age of five, from the NES to the Nintendo Switch. His favorite system is the SNES, his favorite game is the trigger of a stopwatchand you can not convince him otherwise. He loves dogs, rainbow cookies, Spider-Man and songs with complex drum patterns. Arthur is also editor of the blog That VideoGame.
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