Turn away from social media


Social media has invaded computers and businesses for most of the 2000s, and I think it does more harm than good.

Countless studies have already been published on the negative effects of social media. about people, most of all impressionable children who spend a good part of the day online. It can be hard not to get lost in people's Instagram stories, snapshots, tweets, or Facebook posts. Every thought must be shared, every meal must be photographed and every event must be announced. But, when people share the best parts of their lives without any honesty or reality, how can we tell their true lives from their fake?

It's no wonder that children feel the need to look "cooler" their lives are a mosaic of interesting things and nothing but. When their friends or foes have all the highlights of their lives, how do you feel comfortable with yours? It's not as if you could talk to people for your work or go to all those cool events or get free stuff because of your blog. If only there was a way to improve everything, is not it?

But what people do not realize, is that nobody's life is not perfect. It can be difficult to see and achieve this when you see nothing but the good things about someone's life, but that does not mean that their lives are just the things you see. There is grief, paranoia, bad mood, dark circles, imperfections and meals that do not reach the fit fit for Instagram.

Everyone is so busy pretending to be something that he is not their friends. Not only are we missing a good part of our lives, but we remain in a constant state of competition for no good reason.

I made my social media profiles public when I took this post, but I quickly realized that was unfortunate that made me. It's not like I'm just seeing the CN Tower, eating good food and attending concerts. In fact, it takes more effort to pretend that it is my life. To capture only the moments of social media is a surefire way to guarantee that you will see life through the lens of an audience instead of living for yourself. Who wants to do that? Why would you want to do that?

There is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself and accepting that even if you are not as interesting as people online, at least you are living your life for yourself and no one d & # 39; other.

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