Twainiacs rejoice: Shania is back, owning her femininity and shining on an NHL ice rink


Shania Twain with Bastian Baker

Scotiabank Arena, Saturday, July 6

Shania shot a movie once, in my hometown …

I do not know what was the ultimate goal of bringing all these cameras at Toronto's Scotiabank Arena The premiere of Timmins' (sorted) country superstar, sorted by Shanna Twain, will perform twice in a row (19459006) Now at the location that was previously known under the name of Air Canada Center Friday night, but the results should be rather clear. Whenever his people chose to monetize them.

Twain warned that she was going to have to pause and recreate the illusion of the first time here and there if there were any fuzziness in her performance. In the end, however, the only noticeable hiccup in a two-hour show on bright moving parts and precisely timed technical and choreographic details was a slightly out-of-the-box ending of "That does not impress me much" that no doubt didn # 39; I totally agree with the director's vision of knowing exactly how Shania has to climb a staircase on one of the many hydraulic cubes that shine behind her all night and collapse in the arms from a muscular dancer to declare: do not impress me much "at the right time.I would not have noticed anything abnormal if they let it slip and jumped on the quick shot whistle that followed, and the crowd – who roared with approval at various levels of "deafening" for the duration of the two hour show – most certainly forgave the mistake. [19659006] So, yes, everything went well for the cameras on Friday night.They will probably edit Twain's involuntarily racy intro to Now The jubilant summer jam "Swingin "With my eyes closed", in which she meant "I'm going to do a lot of fist-pumping This song "but forgot the" pump "and sent the phrase running in a much more badgraphic direction, but it had a hearty laugh from the nasty patrons in the room. And another when Shania – who, bless her heart, seemed completely unaware of what she had just said – responded to the audible breathing of the rink by repeating herself. Good times.

Twain's lack of polish in the jokes between songs was in fact one of the most endearing elements of the evening. There was little room for error in the actual staging, as she and her countless dancers and visible intermittent support musicians frequently risked losing limbs or falling to their dead from great heights if they missed one. not alone, so his gossip The crowd remains improvised and slightly clumsy even after a two-year stay in Las Vegas a few years ago, she kept her human in the middle of a precision show that could have been completely robotic.

It was still a bit robotic. New songs like "Life's About Good Get" – sung with the help of six backup vocalists after Lady Twain made her entrance in a glittering dress and a shiny cowboy hat from the '100s and has visited the arena while drummer Elijah Wood (not that one) pounded on a couple of toms at the back of the bowl – and "Let's Kiss and Make Up" and "Party for Two" "(played with the help of the Bastian Baker opener) are so highly electronic and tributary in arguing that they have more or less broken Twain's already tenuous ties to country music, and they do not are not as suited to his charms as the old school "everygal" hymns like "Any Man of Mine", "Do not be stupid," "To whom have your boots been subjected?" and "(Si you're not here for love), I'm Outta Here! "(Although, that said, it was pretty cool to hear Shania's Brit electro blossom -popsters shade the xx on the new number "Poor Me.")

T tubes that wake up monsters, as well as goopy ballads "You're Still the One" – during which Twain scratched a guitar that may or may not have been hooked up while hanging from a harness above the floor of the arena – "From This Moment On," were what the crowd came to hear, of course, and resulted in endless singalongs noisy many, many, ladies in the house. Probably not least because there was a moment a few years ago when Twain, grieving after a disordered separation with her husband, producer and co-writer Robert John "Mutt" Lange and faced with the very possibility of she never sings anymore Because of the complications of Lyme disease, it seemed like she could be gone for good from the hike. Shania's followers are clearly very grateful to have found their daughter and to shoot her first album of new material in 15 years. His Rock This Country tour in 2015 was supposed to be his "goodbye", let's not forget.

And you know what? It's a little comforting to have Shania Twain back. Her music has never really been my cup of tea, but she has indisputably perfect pop tunes in her cannon and, moreover, they are not really supposed to be my cup of tea. I am a 40 year old man; Shania's songs are not meant for me, but the thousands of women end up with their buddies in cheap seats and anxiously await that moment in the reminder when she finally debuts "Man! I feel like a woman!" 19659011] "It's all that a woman wants."

So, introducing Twain in mid-set to "Honey, I'm Home" – a single switch-flippin to From 1997's ultra-mega-super-hit album Come On Over in which Timmins-high country (timbre-raised) superstar requires a rubbing of feet, a cold, a hot meal and a bit of peace and calm in front of the television after coming home at the end of a hard day – Friday night. The piece exploded and "ping" went all that needs to go "ping" in this male music writer and Shania's long dubious head to finally get Shania Twain.

Of course, it exploded. Here's a 52-year-old mother who has her femininity and sneaks into an NHL ice rink. What a change of pace it must be for the tens of thousands of women who participate in the tour Now not to attend another arena show where all they hear are songs about what men want and feel about a man. We could all do with more of that. So, Mrs. Twain, you can run for a long time.

Ben Rayner is the Toronto-based musical critic of the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @ihateBenRayner

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