Two more babies die after an outbreak at Newark Hospital


NEWARK – Two other preterm infants died of bacterial infection in one of the state's most-rated hospitals.

The two infants died last week after contracting A. baumannii at the university hospital six weeks ago, according to the health ministry. L & # 39; state first reported the outbreak Last month, a premature baby in the university hospital who died of a positive bacterial test died after being transferred to another hospital.

The last deaths in Newark occur just weeks after four more children tested positive for the test. deadly strain of adenovirus in a pediatric retirement home in Wanaque. To date, 33 children and one adult have tested positive for the virus, while 10 children have died, according to the Ministry of Health. A less dangerous strain of the virus has also been reported to the pediatric facility at Voorhees.

State officials said that the bacterial infection in the university hospital could not be the cause of infant death because of "other medical conditions related to premature birth" . On October 1, two cases of infection were reported and two others were confirmed later in the month. Of the four confirmed cases, three of the infants died. The fourth came out at the end of October, according to the hospital.

Since the outbreak was reported, the Department has ordered a Directed correction planwhich required, among other things, the hiring of a certified infection control practitioner.

A recent report ranking of New Jersey hospitals for patient safety gave the university hospital a note from "D." Only the Orange Orange General Hospital received a lower grade.

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