U.S. says no softening in booth Pompeo heads to North Korea


ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The State Department is back on Thursday against the Trump administration has made its way to North Korea as the top US diplomat traveled to Pyongyang for crucial nuclear talks and the president reiterated his belief that Kim Jong Un is sincere

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is due in the North Korean capital on Friday. He will be working for the Korean Peninsula on the June 12 summit between Kim and US President Donald Trump.

"Looking forward to continuing our work towards the final, fully verified denuclearization of .DPRK, as agreed by Chairman Kim.Good to have the press along for the trip, "Pompeo tweeted Thursday. DPRK is the abbreviation of the authoritarian nation's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Despite reports that North Korea is continuing to expand its nuclear facilities and missile programs its weapons, Trump has remained upbeat. Asked Thursday if North Korea was hiding nuclear facilities the president said: "We'll see you, we'll have it. nuclear tests. "

Speaking aboard Air Force One on a trip to Montana, Trump said he thought he would be a little bit of a personal connection with the young autocrat" Little Rocket Man. "

" I had a very good From the standpoint, I shook his hand, "I felt we got along very well," Trump told reporters. I do not think that 'I think it's true that it's a different future for North Korea. going to be necessary. "

Trump, who has already ordered a suspension of large-scale US military drills with South Korea, is over-eager to make a commitment with Kim appear a success. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters Pompeo that US policy has not changed and that, "We are committed to a denuclearized North Korea."

There's been mixed messaging from the administration Pyongyang to roll back its weapons capabilities.

National security adviser John Bolton, who has expressed hardline views on North Korea, said Sunday that Pompeo will present Pyongyang with a plan to complete the dismantling of the North and nuclear missile programs in one year . On Tuesday, Nauert walked in, declining to give a timeline. Pompeo himself has previously said the U.S. wanted North Korea to take "major" disarmament steps in the next two years before Trump completes his first term in office.

This will be Pompeo's third trip to North Korea in three months. He was visited in May before he was director of the CIA.

Pyongyang will be the first stop on his first-round trip to America's top diplomat. He will then travel to Japan, Vietnam and the United Arab Emirates before heading to Belgium, where he will accompany Trump at the NATO summit in Brussels.

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