LAS VEGAS – It may be just a glimpse, but Anthony Pettis begins to look like the UFC Champion again
The 155-pound old King and the cover boy Wheaties recorded its most impressive victory in years. Saturday, when he introduced Michael Chiesa in the second round of his light fight at UFC 226 inside the T-Mobile Arena.
Pettis (21-7) reacted equally well to the constant jamming and dismay of Chiesa (14-4) to force the valve through the 52-second triangle choke of Round 2.
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Pettis, 31, continued his trend of alternating wins with losses over the past two years and improved to 3-4 since the loss of his title to Rafael Anjos back in 2015. But it was the quality of the performance, which included a well balanced mix of striking and grappling, which provided lightning of
"I'm excited for the fans, it's what we do, "said Pettis. "What brought me to the role play is the submissions and the good kickboxing, and that's what we do, I wanted to show you all, next time I guarantee you that I I'll put one of my old knockouts for you. " 19659002] Chiesa, 30, announced before the fight that it would be her last lightweight fight after missing the 156-pound limit at the 1.5-pound weight. He showed an offensive state from the start of the fight and scored twice on the ground in the first round.
But Pettis began to find his groove at the end of the round and injured Chiesa with a right hand round. The fiery Chiesa jumped to his feet and scoffed at Pettis before referee Herb Dean broke them.
The second round was more challenging than Chiesa, but Pettis instantly replied with a stiff right hand that staggered him into the wall of the cage. Pettis is partially connected with a flying knee that sent the two to the ground and brought the crowd to his feet.
Despite the loss of position on the field when Chiesa took the lead, Pettis quickly applied a triangle that resulted in the finish of the bout. "It was incredible," said Pettis. "I've grabbed so many good players with submissions, I think I just won my black belt today for Las Vegas."
Chiesa's defeat comes during a disappointing sequence that includes a controversial defeat to Kevin Lee last June. Then in April, before his fight originally scheduled with Pettis at UFC 223 in Brooklyn, New York, Chiesa was forced to withdraw when he was injured by shards of glbad caused by the accident. Conor McGregor's attack on a bus that was holding UFC fighters at Barclays. Center
For complete results from UFC 226, see our results page .
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