Google is working hard to solve a major problem of Pixel 2, fans hoping it will be fixed before the release date of Pixel 3 XL
The Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL are arguably two of the most Popular smartphones planned to be released this year.
And the devices have been the subject of much speculation, with rumors the Pixel 3 XL could sport an X-style notch. IPhone
But Pixel Fans Hope Google's Addresses A Fault which affects their current flagship before the release of their neighbor.
Since the Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL were released last year, the devices were affected by a fatal flaw, reported BGR
. causes the camera application to stop on Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL when users attempt to open it or take pictures.
Not everyone was affected by the problem, but Google confirmed that he was working on a fix. 19659002] Over the weekend, a user of Pixel 2 XL expressed frustration With the error of the camera on Twitter, Google responded quickly.
The Twitter account Made by Google reacted quickly and suggested to the owner of Pixel 2 XL to put his phone in airplane mode to take a picture.
The user tweeted: "I have already tried it and it did not work.
"I also put my phone in safe mode to see if another app was affecting it and I did a factory reset but nothing worked. .
"I only had the phone for 3 or 4 months so it's really weird!"
Made By Google's Twitter account then replied that he was saying that he was studying the question.
They tweeted: "Understood, we are aware of this problem and we are studying it.
" To work around the problem, try to temporarily put your phone in airplane mode, then try again to take a Photo. Keep us posted. "
The reports of the camera application problem began weeks fledgling in the launch of Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL on Reddit.
In the article a user wrote:" J & # I had the same mistake once. Sometimes the camera does not take a picture, freezes and hangs, and sometimes it will take a picture, but it will be defective. "
While another wrote:" This sounds like a common problem. "
:" Oh yes. That sucks. "
And one posted:" Everyone knows how to solve this problem. "
Fans of Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL hope the problem is fixed soon and that the problem does not reappear with the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL coming
According to rumors, Google would be working on the Pixel 3 and the Pixel 3 XL with a revelation about the new Android devices expected in October.
Events for their Pixel Phones, with a release date that follows.
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