
Update: More firefighters added to the forest fire near Jackpine Lake
They're going resume their efforts on the first day on Tuesday
Update: 10:00 pm – BC Wildfire Service reports that its crews are still responding to the fire at Harding Creek, near Jackpine Lake Forest Service Road, 15 kilometers to the north. West Kelowna West. night.
A third crew was sent to join the two crews already on the scene. This brings to nine the number of firefighters fighting the small fire. The darkness halted firefighting efforts Monday night but crews will be back at the first fire on Tuesday, says the forest fire service.
The fire is estimated at one hectare and we do not know how aggressively it grows. The fire burns is a wooded area quite far away.
The tankers were used Monday afternoon to fight the flames from above and this action was stopped around 5 pm.
In addition to ground firefighters and tankers, the forest fire has two pieces of heavy equipment on the site
Original story: Firefighters are currently responding to a fire near Jackpine Lake.
The fire is located 15 kilometers northwest of Kelowna BC
The teams are currently responding to a #BCwildfire about 15 km northwest of #WestKelowna near the Jackpine Lake FSR with the help of air support. More information will be provided when they become available. pic.twitter.com/0O1IwRddkB
– BC Wildfire Service (@BCGovFireInfo) 9 July 2018
More information will be provided when available.
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