US Open to Limited Exemptions from Sanctions on Iranian Oil Exports


Countries that continue to import Iranian oil could avoid penalties by making "significant cuts" before Washington reimposes sanctions on Tehran later this year, senior US officials said. but in some cases, if people can not do it overnight, we will consider exemptions, "said US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in a statement released on July 16.

L & # 39; Asia, like Japan and India, said they could not reduce all imports from Tehran by the November deadline without harming their economies. US statesman Mike Pompeo, in embargo remarks to reporters made last week, have maintained that despite leniency toward the nations that depend on Iranian oil, the administration of US President Donald Trump remains determined to impose the most sanctions on Iran.

Mnuchin said that Washington had made it clear to allies that he was expecting them to implement sanctions against Iran. , "but if there is In specific situations, we are open to listening. "

More precisely, there is no general renunciation, there are no acquired rights", he says. But "we want to be very careful in the wind around the energy markets to make sure people have the time."

"The State Department has the opportunity to issue waivers … It's something that the Treasury and the State" Make no mistake about it, "said Pompeo "We are determined to impose these sanctions globally and globally."

Trump has repeatedly described Iran as the most destabilizing force in the Middle East Tehran supports Syria, Iraq and Yemen

Pompeo said the sanctions are aimed at depriving Iran of the funding it needs to "continue to foment terror and malicious activities around the world. "

He said" the mission is to make Iran a normal country ", where he stops" murdering people "and" launching missiles around the world ". [19659002] "So, yes, we are using all the elements of American power to try to reach [that] the end." Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted on July 16 that Iran had tabled a complaint to the International Court of Justice in The Hague against renewed US sanctions

Zarif says the sanctions violate international law and accuse Washington of showing "contempt for diplomacy and legal obligations."

While the United States reimposes sanctions against Iran following Trump's decision in May to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal with world powers, Germany, France and Great Britain Britain did not withdraw from the 2015 agreement and we He told Tehran that they would seek to counter US sanctions. granted in exchange for the limitation of Iran's nuclear activities.

Several European countries have asked for specific exemptions from US sanctions, but French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told French media that last weekend Washington rejected France's request for a derogation for its companies operating in Iran.

Without specific exemptions, many French and foreign companies said they would pull out of Iran, citing the threat of US financial sanctions. 19659002] The Trump administration says that more than 50 foreign companies have withdrawn from Iran since the announcement of the sanctions.

Yet, Mnuchin acknowledged that replacing Iran's crude exports will not be easy for many of his clients or for the world's oil markets, The softer position that Washington announced on Iranian oil exports on July 16 has contributed to lower crude oil prices by 4.4% to about $ 72 per barrel in London

. report by AP and Reuters
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