US Secretary of State Calls Iranian Religious Leaders "Hypocritical Holy Men & # 39;


SIMI VALLEY, Calif. – State Secretary Mike Pompeo on Sunday called on Iran's religious leaders "hypocritical holy men" who ambaded vast sums of wealth while allowing their people to suffer , a part of a very critical critical side "Sometimes it seems that the world has become insensitive to the regime's authoritarianism in its country and to its campaigns of violence abroad, but the proud Iranian people do not stay abroad. "The United States under President Trump will not keep silent either." In light of these protests and 40 years, Pompeo said in remarks prepared for a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

of the tyranny of the regime, I have a message for the Iranian people: the United States hear you, the United States support you, the United States is with you, "he said. [2] Pompeo also castigates Iran 's political, judicial and military leaders, accusing many of them of participating in widespread corruption. He also said that the government had "shamelessly repressed the human rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms of its people".

The American diplomat was particularly smeared in his remarks about "the ayatollahs," claiming that they "were acting too". He said that Grand Ayatollah Nbader Makarem Shirazi has generated more than $ 100 million for himself in the illicit sugar trade, that Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani is worth millions after the government has transferred several mines at its founding, and the supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has a speculative fund, Setad, worth $ 95 billion.

"The level of corruption and wealth among the regime's leaders shows that Iran is ruled by something more like the mafia than the government. ", he said.

Pompeo's remarks were aimed in part at Iranian-Americans and Iranians living in the United States. He badured them that the Trump administration shared their dreams for the Iranian people. He also expressed his support for the Iranians who protested against the actions of their government and called his response "brutal".

"Specific grievances differ, but all those who express dissatisfaction share one thing: they were mistreated by a revolutionary regime, the Iranians want to be governed with dignity, responsibility and respect," he said.

Pompeo said that the United States was undertaking a diplomatic and financial pressure campaign to cut funds, focusing on the reimposition of sanctions on its banking and energy sectors. President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Iranian nuclear deal in May and the first sanctions to be reimposed were to strike on Aug. 4.

"We ask every nation, every nation that is sick of destruction This behavior goes hand in hand with our allies in the Middle East and Europe, people who have themselves been terrorized by the activity of violent regime for decades, "he said.

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