US Secretary of State Pompeo will make a third visit to North Korea


Matthew Pennington and Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press

Published Sunday, July 1, 2018 22:21 EDT

Last Updated Monday 2 July 2018 17:01 EDT

WASHINGTON – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will make another trip to North Korea this week as the Trump administration continues its talks to have Pyongyang abandon its nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons programs. ballistic missiles

. Thursday on his third trip to North Korea before visiting Japan, Vietnam, the United Arab Emirates and Belgium, where he will accompany President Donald Trump to the NATO summit.

United States has a plan that would lead to dismantling According to Trump's national security adviser, the Korean secret services and ballistic missile programs in a year, although US intelligence services have reported that Pyongyang does not Had no intention of totally giving up his arsenal.

John Bolton said -operating to see the sanctions lifted quickly and help from South Korea and Japan start sinking.

The State Department said the US ambbadador to the Philippines, Sung Kim, who led the political negotiations with North Korea before the summit continued Sunday in the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas to resume negotiations on the next steps of the joint statement by Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore. In this declaration to the summit, the North is committed "to work for the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula". The statement did not specify how this would be done or when the process would start or how long it would take.

"Our goal remains the definitive and fully verified denuclearization of the DPRK, as agreed by President Kim in Singapore," the department said Monday. The DPRK is the official name of the North, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

. Bolton's Sunday remarks on CBS's "Face the Nation" set an ambitious timetable for North Korea to honor this commitment. Pompeo told reporters three weeks ago that the United States wants North Korea to take "major" measures of nuclear disarmament in the next two years – before the end of Trump's first term in January 2021.

The North is no longer a nuclear threat, Washington and Pyongyang have not yet negotiated the conditions in which it would give up the weapons that it has developed over the decades.

Doubts about North Korea's intentions have worsened. The Washington Post said Saturday that unidentified US intelligence officials had concluded that North Korea had no intention of fully returning its nuclear arsenal. Evidence gathered since the June 12th summit in Singapore shows that preparations have been made to deceive the United States on the number of nuclear warheads in the North Korean arsenal and on the existence of nuclear weapons. Undisclosed facilities for making fissile material for nuclear bombs. He said the results support a new estimate from the previously undisclosed Defense Intelligence Agency that North Korea is unlikely to denuclearize. Some aspects of the new information were reported Friday by NBC News

A US official told the Associated Press that the Post's report was accurate and that the badessment reflected the consistent view of US government agencies since Several weeks. The official was not allowed to comment publicly on the subject and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Bolton refused to comment on intelligence matters.

He said that the administration was well aware of the background of North Korea. by dragging negotiations with the US to continue the development of weapons.

"We have developed a program … on really how to dismantle all their ADM and ballistic missile programs in a year," said Bolton. "If they have the strategic decision already made to do it, and that they are cooperative, we can act very quickly."

He said that the one-year program proposed by the United States would cover all the chemical and biological aspects of the North. weapons, nuclear programs and ballistic missiles.

Even if North Korea is willing to cooperate, the dismantling of its weapons of mbad destruction programs, supposed to encompbad dozens of sites, will be difficult. Stanford University academics, including nuclear physicist Siegfried Hecker, a leading expert on the northern nuclear program, have proposed a ten-year roadmap for this task; Others say that it could take less time.

Pompeo has already visited Pyongyang twice since April to meet Kim – the first time that he was still director of the CIA.

Trump reiterated in an interview broadcast Sunday that he thinks Kim is serious about denuclearization.

"I made an agreement with him. I shook hands with him. I really believe he wants it," said the president on Fox News Channel's Sunday Morning Futures. with Maria Bartiromo.

Trump defended his decision to suspend the "war games" with South Korea, a major concession to North Korea that suspended nuclear and missile testing and destroyed the tunnels of its site. nuclear tests.

"Now we are saving a lot of money," said Trump about the cancellation of large-scale military exercises that involve US bombers flights from the US Guam territory.

Making Progress in the Negotiations White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Will Not Confirm or Deny Reports on US Intelligence Assessments of North Korea's Nuclear Program

. North Korea takes the decision to denuclearize, its ballistic programs could be dismantled in a year. There is momentum for positive change, and we are working together for other negotiations, "she said.

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