Using Saskatchewan flatness to prove Earth is round


Saskatchewan is known to be a flat region, but who knew that it was so flat that it could be an ideal testing ground for scientific experiments? Youtuber Kurtis Baute, of Vancouver, BC, did, and he was in the Stoughton area on Thursday to do it.

"My project is to test whether the world is round or flat.People are not sure about it, so I thought I would do a simple experiment," he explained.

Highway 33 is one of the most straight in the world, apparently equivalent to only one or two in the North. Dakota and Egypt. The area was also more convenient logistically.

"I traveled 138 kilometers and I measured it, it's straight enough to be able to do it, then I put two sundials, one at each end and measured their shadows at the same time "

Baute (left) and Casey Sakires of the Saskatchewan Science Center with one of the sundials. (Photo: Kurtis Baute Facebook)

"If the world was flat, these shadows should be of the same length, but that's not what we found, we found that they were of different lengths, so the world is round. " with a chuckle, "this is the essence of the experiment, we were also able to calculate the size of the earth by doing this, which is really fun for me."

"L & rsquo; In Regina was 3.9 centimeters longer than when you place the sundials at the same place, the shadows are the same size, it's a small difference, but that's the difference that proves that the world is a sphere. " sundialbiker [19659002] He used the bicycle to get close to how such experiments would have been conducted in the 1500s, often paced on foot, in addition to being a simple distance measuring tool

Baute adds that a growing number of North Americans convinced of a flat land, and organizations to promote the idea "

" Something like one in ten Americans n & # 39; Is not sure whether the world is round or not.It is a fundamental element of science.All in the science of the earth and astronomy is based on the fact that the world is a sphere like everything we see in the solar system If people do not know it, and they do not understand how we learn these things, then what hope do we have for them to think of other things scientifically, like the climate change or vaccines? "

" I'm using this project to make a video on Youtube, which hopefully will interest people in science and excited to see the world differently. Even in the last few days, while I was doing this experiment, I received messages on Facebook and in my comments on Youtube from people who are really unsure about the shape of the world. They ask me curiously and sincerely, what should I think and how should we understand that? I am able to answer these questions, so I feel like I have already made a difference, at least for a few people, and that's what I'm living for, "he said. declared Baute

. the news, and I have the impression of having done so. That's what keeps me awake at night, by excitement. "

He expects the video to be completed and published later in July.

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