Vancouver Aquarium names octopus 'Ceph Rogen' after … you know who


Hollywood comedian and actor. Disembodied transit voice. Octopus.

Seth Rogen has quite the summary.

The last gig, he scored this week, shorty of the Vancouver Aquarium, which named its newest Giant Pacific octopus … Ceph Rogen, a play on cephalopod.

The moniker came after a week-long naming contest. The other contenders were Octavia, Luna and Houdini.

Please go to the aquarium for an octopus.


After a couple rounds of voting though, Ceph Rogen garnered more than 90 percent of the votes.

It really happened. @SethRogen, meet Ceph Rogen.

Want to make this friendship official and meet your newest 8-armed friend IRL?


The Internet cheered, Vancouver's Poster Boy and the Vancouver Aquarium soaked up the limelight.

Remember when?

It felt like just a week ago that Rogen was the voice of TransLink.

In fact, Vancouverites heard his "dulcet tones," as TransLink put it, for three months and the SkyTrain, up until last week.

Rogen's announcements made a lot of transit riders smile. Others, not so much.

@TransLink I beg you to please get rid of the @Sethrogen announcements. It got old and annoying after hearing it for the third or fourth time. Now been over 3 months …


At least one detected a pattern.

Why is vancouver so obsessed with Seth Rogen …. pls stop


But if there was any Rogen fatigue lingering from his stint transit, the feel-good octopus seemed to wipe it away.

The one thing that has made me smile as I scroll my Twitter feed (LOP LIVE!) LONG LIVE CEPH ROGEN!


@Sethrogen this is the most important story of our time. It made me laugh, and there is a lot to laugh about as of 10/11/2018. Thank you Ceph Rogen.


As for that octopus

Ceph is just a baby, but soon he'll be big.

The Giant Pacific Octopus is considered the largest octopus species in the world. It can weigh up to 150 pounds or 68 kgs and its arm span stretches up to six meters across.

It also lives up to five years.

That means Seth has plenty of time to meet Ceph. And for the Vancouver Aquarium to come up with another wacky name.

Vancouver Aquarium has just named its newest octopus Ceph Rogen ?

What should they name their next aquatic creature?


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