Reports of Nintendo's success with the Switch continue to appear daily, but a Wall Street badyst Nintendo warned that sales could begin to slow down for Japanese society. Jefferies badyst Atul Goyal has cut his stock price forecast by more than 10% from a target of ¥ 71,200 ($ 640.45) to ¥ 64,200 ($ 577.48). ).
The action of Nintendo has lost more than 12% 2018 and currently stands around 38,000 yen ($ 341.83). While he began to recover – with a 4% increase in June – he would still need a 69% increase to reach Goyal's lower target.
The badyst said that current market expectations reflected robust growth. to non-growth in a period of three months. Although he remained optimistic about this year and next year, he said how he could still go both ways:
Given sustained sales pressure, perhaps the Short-term market is right on Nintendo (for a change) and perhaps Despite the current belief that Switch's success is based on the former growth, Goyal noted that no other company is not a company. had experienced growth and trading at multiples as low as:
Nintendo Switch has only 1 year in the bag and 4-5 more years to go, with cycle and structural (digital) benefits on the rise. Mobile, China, Online are some other potentially important drivers.
In April, he also said that Nintendo had the world's cheapest gambling stock after its third-quarter earnings.
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