WATCH Video of Prince Harry scolding Meghan Markle on parade of color becomes viral



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A video of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the annual Trooping the Color event last weekend went viral after fans felt that the former actress was being criticized by her husband in a rather cold way.

The Duke and Duchess of Susbad are accompanied by Kate Middleton and Camilla in a carriage before the whole family rejoins Her Majesty on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, facing the jubilant crowd where the viral video was shot.

The clip shows Harry looking back and seeming to speak to someone off camera. The Duchess of Susbad then turns around and seems to say something to her husband and he whispers something in return. Seconds later, she turns around before Harry tells him to "turn around", facing the crowd, looking stern.

Many users noticed that Markle looked "pissed off" and that it seemed like Harry had told him to turn rather cold. Others suggested that the duchess was "ready to cry".

According to a Daily Mail expert who was reading on the lips, Prince Harry reportedly told Meghan, "Yes, that's right" when she turned to him the first time, then "Turn around …" look "when she did it a second time. The whole conversation took place just before the English national anthem began to play and that is the protocol of the British royal family which consists of looking forward while it is playing.

This is the first public appearance of Duchess Meghan since the birth of her son, Archie Harrison. The new member of the royal family stood behind James, Viscount Severn (11 years old) and Isla Phillips (7 years old). She was also behind Prince Andrew, the third child of the queen.

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