"Wave of sympathy" during the visit to Montreal of former Prime Minister Bernard Landry


MONTREAL – Friends, colleagues, opponents and ordinary citizens lined up Monday at the Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal to offer their condolences to the family of former Quebec Premier Bernard Landry who died last week in Montreal. 81 years old.

Pascale, Landry's daughter, told reporters that the family had received tributes for her father from the province and around the world.

"The wave of sympathy really surprised me and shocked me," she said, "but it also comforted me and what I like to see, is that There are people from all over who have given us their sympathies.

Inside the basilica, Landry's closed coffin was draped with a Quebec flag next to a large picture of him.

Former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Charest was one of the first to introduce himself.

Charest said his former Parti Québécois opponent "would hurt us during the debates".

Charest praised Landry's investments in the province's video game industry and its economic vision for the province.

"He gave economic credibility to the sovereignty movement," said Charest.

Charest's successor, Pauline Marois, who held several portfolios in the Landry government, had an emotional tone.

"We always have the impression that people like this will never, never leave us," she said.

The funeral of the 28th Premier of Quebec will be held Tuesday afternoon at the Basilica. His body also rests in the state Saturday in Quebec at the provincial legislature.

Landry's health had deteriorated in recent months and he died on November 6 at home in Vercheres, Quebec. complications of lung disease.

After Lucien Bouchard resigned as prime minister in January 2001, Landry replaced him as PQ leader and prime minister. He served two years before being defeated in the April 2003 elections by Jean Charest's Liberals.

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