Three black bear encounters only three weeks apart in Manitoba are no reason to panic about the attacks or to worry that the drifting population is out of control, according to the experts
. in bear country because you are about to see a lot more.
"It 's really when they start moving, at the end of the summer and in the fall, for the winter. On July 2, a Winnipeg man was bitten by a black bear along the Mantario Trail, much of which is in Whiteshell Provincial Park, said John Fleming, the municipality's emergency services coordinator. from Lac du Bonnet.
On July 15, a family lunching on the shore near Caddy Lake, in the same park, had their spaghetti stolen by a bear that was walking behind them. Nobody was hurt.
Six days later, an eight-year-old girl had her face scratched by a black bear at the camp nearby. The bear slid the tent, cut off the face of the girl, and then tried to hang the family's food barrel to a nearby tree
Conservation officers tried to locate the l & # 39; bear involved in this incident. He was last seen swimming towards Caddy Lake.
They do not believe that it is the same bear that participated in the encounter on the Mantario Trail because 30 kilometers separated the two sites. Conservation Officers are not aware because they have never been contacted.
Michal Schaap Fogler, whose family was involved, says that she did not report it because she did not know it was unusual. The family comes from Israel.
"I thought," Here's Canada, that's probably what happens. "
The number of sightings in the Bonnet Lake area, just northeast of Whiteshell Provincial Park, prompted Fleming to post a message about the area. He wants to remind people to be aware and encourage them to wear bear whistles, especially children.

Bear observations prompted a warning earlier this month from the Department of Emergency Management in the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet (Emergency Management of Lac du Bonnet / Facebook) [19659013] Despite this, Fleming does not believe that there is more bear in the area, he just thinks that social media is raising people's awareness. Whenever someone sees a bear, they rate it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
"I think social media allows us to report more, so we think there are more," he said.
"We're talking more about it, which I think is a good thing, I'm glad," Fleming said. "We are in bear country and the more we are aware of it and what we can do, the more we will have fewer people in trouble."
He is He has been living regularly in the area for 15 years and regularly sees bears walking along the shore in his lakeside property.
Fleming remembers the second weekend after being moved, his wife saw a bear in the yard and was panicked. She called the city office and frantically reported the sighting.
"The receptionist just said," You must be new here, "he said with a laugh," The truth is we're in their back yard and we should be teaching bears to be smarter. "[19659010] "Motivated by their stomachs"
Janine Stewart, biologist specializing in wildlife conflicts in the province's sustainable development department, agrees.
There have been no more reports of Observation that it is usual, she says, but admits that it is rare to have more than one report a year involving contact between a person and However, at least two of this year's three incidents can be explained by one thing: food
A black bear spotted earlier this summer near Powerview (Tyson Koschik / CBC)
In the experiences lived by the family of Schaap Fogler and the one where a girl was scratched, the bears were looking for the food without attacking at random.
"Bears are belly-driven and nose-driven," says Stewart echoing Fleming's comments. climbing planned in the observations over the next
"They are concentrating heavily on foraging for hibernation and this activity is increasing in August," he says.
"If they want food, they will have food"
According to Mike Adey, owner of Whiteshell Outfitters and living in the area for over 30 years, we may not know not all history of the attack of the Mantario track
. wore, he says, adding that there is usually a reason why a bear is getting close to someone who has not been provoked. They do not try to attack to attack.
"If they want food, they will get food," said Adey, who previously worked for the province's natural resources department, forerunner of sustainable development.
There is no reason for them to go to humans unless it is food. – Mike Adey
He saw bears tearing up multiple tents and even making their way in vehicles. But he has not yet seen one who does not want to take it to the trees when a person comes here.
"They do not want to argue with people, but if they do, what made them do that?" We could never really know, "he said." You're not going to have the story of the bear. "
There was" a fantastic berry crop this year. "The bears are not skinny and hungry, which may explain why they can become troublesome in populated areas."
"There is no reason for them to go to humans, unless it's food. "
And those who usually meet people are teenagers who are trying to find their way.At the age of two, Adey said.
At first, they may encounter older bears who have brutalized them and chased them away from food sources until they find their own place and learn to stand up to these other bears, they will go for the easiest food, which leads them to people, he says.
This looks exactly like the one Schaap Fogler met She described the bear as something "in the middle" between a small and an adult
Be vigilant
Stewart echoed Fleming's comments about the expected escalation of observations at next few weeks.
Stewart said:
The key to being safe during this time is to be as smart as possible, and that means making every effort not to attempt them. 19659002] If in the country of bear:
- Keep waste in a bear-resistant container, in a secure building or in a fenced area
- Regularly clean garbage cans with water. bleach or ammonia. you when you leave or ask a neighbor to take out your garbage just before picking it up
- Do not burn garbage.
- Do not compost any food on the outside.
- Remove all bird feeders between April and November
- Thoroughly clean barbecues.
- Wrap in plastic tic and keep inside when they are not used.
- Feed pets and keep their dishes inside.
- Pick all the ripe fruit from the fruit trees. Remove fallen fruits from the ground.
"We do not want to get them used to badociating people with food," said Mr. Stewart, adding that they keep a good memory of where food was available in the past.
And when you're out, be alert and aware of your surroundings. Do not hike with headphones or ear buds that obscure your hearing, Stewart warns.
Watch for bear signs, including traces, feces and claw marks on trees. Anthills, inverted rocks and logs are indications that bears were looking for insects
More importantly, the bear spray and know how to use it, says Stewart: "We can educate people but we can not educate a bear A bear is going to be a bear.
The province does not investigate the black bear population, but there are between 25,000 and 30,000 in Manitoba, Stewart says.
The densest populations are found in wooded areas. the province and it turns out that it is also there that people also like to camp and build cottages.
"So, the more we are familiar [with bear-smart measures] and the happier we are," she says. 19659002] Anyone who felt threatened or had real contact with a bear is asked to report it to a conservation office.
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