What's new in the sky: Venus will be joined by a crescent moon – Entertainment & Life – Holland Sentinel


If you are in the countryside, the sounds of summer have replaced the silence of winter in the starry sky. The nocturnal birds, cicadas and crickets accompany the "music of the spheres", which returns to the ancient belief that the stars in their movements were making music of a wonderful harmony. Pythagoras even believed that all existence is governed by the laws of musical harmony. The Greek concept of "music of the spheres" even influenced the great Renaissance astronomer, Johannes Kepler, who attempted to explain Copernic's planetary movements using the laws of music. He did not reach his goal, but on the way he discovered his famous laws of planetary motion.

I sometimes deplore the fact that the sun sets so late at this time of year (just before 9.30 pm tonight), that it is difficult to make serious observations without staying long after midnight. Although there is truth in this statement, there is also a setback. The weather should be more cooperative and there will be great things to see even early in the evening. And as the month progresses, the sun sets earlier so nights will start 20 minutes earlier at the end of the month.

The month of July will offer all the variety of things to watch this year. Let's start with the planets. You have probably looked at Venus, the bright evening star that has dominated the sky from the west to dusk in recent months. On the 15th of this month, she will be joined by a beautiful and thin crescent moon, so close that you will not be able to hold two fingers at arm's length between them. It will be the best match of the two that I have seen for many years. Look west anytime after sunset. In fact, you can use binoculars to see how early you can spot the planet.

Venus is not the only visible planet this month. Look just below the Moon on the 14th for Mercury (use binoculars). Look south to see Jupiter about a third of the top of the horizon and brighter than anything but Venus. Further south-east is Saturn, shining on the constellation Sagittarius, the Teapot. Later Mars will rise in the southeast and begin his summer show when he will be in opposition (in the opposite direction to the Sun) on July 26th. Being in opposition, the telescopic vision of the planet will be at its best.

Summer constellations begin to take their place in the sky with promises of future visions. Look overhead for the Big Dipper and Bootes and more in the East for the summer triangle. Meanwhile, the southern horizon promises to reveal Scorpio and Sagittarius while Hercules, with its magnificent cluster of stars, is almost over its heads. Over the next few months, there will be many things to see in the sky.

This month in history:

July 1: A 100-inch mirror arrives at Mt. Wilson Observatory – 1917

July 4: Supernova, whose rest is known as the crab nebula, is a witness – 1054

July 4: Mars Pathfinder lands on Mars – 1997

July 6: Newton's book , Principia, is published on – 1687

9 July: Voyager 2 flies over Jupiter – 1979

20 July: Humans walk on the moon for the first time – 1969

24 July: First rocket launched from Cape Canaveral – 1950

[19659002] – Peter Burkey is a resident of Holland. Contact him at [email protected].

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