PUBLISHED: 4:01 pm November 15, 2018 | UPDATE: 4:01 pm November 15, 2018

The meteor shower of Leonids must illuminate the sky. Image: Getty Images / iStockphoto
Here's all you need to know about the next meteor shower and when you can see it.
The Leonids is an annual meteor shower that takes place in November. This is one of the most significant and visible showers, with the Perseids and Orionids, which took place this year in August and October respectively.
A meteor shower occurs when particles of comet debris enter our atmosphere and burn, forming shooting stars.
This year, the Leonids show, named after the constellation Leo, will be visible from Saturday night to evening (November 17) to Sunday, November 18 at dawn.
As is the case with most astrological events, catching a meteor shower is a waiting game. The best approach is to stay warm and have a comfortable chair to sit while you wait.
It will be visible to the naked eye, so you will not need any equipment. Just let your eyes adjust in the dark and look for fast, bright meteors with fine trains.
Because the Leonids coincide with a new moon this year, the visibility should be particularly good. For the best views, find a safe place away from sources of light pollution such as street lights and where you can sweep the entire sky.
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