Winnipeg Club Board member resigns after Canadian Nationalist Party meeting


Kelly Geraldine Malone, The Canadian Press

. Posted Monday July 30th, 2018 18:35 EDT

WINNIPEG – A Winnipeg cultural club said one of its members agreed to resign after organizing a meeting for the Canadian Nationalist Party over the weekend.

The Belgian Club said in a statement posted on Facebook

The Canadian Nationalist Party's website advocates a "Canada first" approach, which includes the reduction of immigration, l & # 39; eviction of asylum seekers and the ban on the burqa. In the group's 21-point plan posted on their website, they demand an end to the "forced displacement of Canadian founders", who are clbadified as having European ancestry.

The group is not a registered political party at Elections Canada

The Canadian Nationalist Party reserved the club for the meeting, which included an appearance by its chief Travis Patron, for Saturday afternoon, and local activists organized a counter-demonstration.

Omar Kinnarath, an organizer of the Free Fascist Treaty 1, declared the protesters entered the club and there was a lively discussion with a handful of people attending the meeting.

A woman, who was identified as treasurer of the Belgian Club, was captured on video, posted online, explaining does not follow nationalism. But she goes on to add that you can not get a job if you are not a visible minority.

"I have recently lost my job after 15 years, and any job for which you are applying, guess what, guess what, you The police were called to the club and stated that There were no arrests.

The club's statement indicated that during Saturday's protest, one of the members of his board expressed his disapproval. his personal opinions "that do not represent the history, legacy or values ​​of the Club of Belgium", and he was asked to resign. "In fact, Club Belgium is filled with members whose fathers and grandfathers fought and died the First and Second World Wars fighting against fascism and the Nazis to defend democracy and human rights. man abroad and here in our own country, "said the Royal Canadian Legion press release (19659004). was not badociated with the event.

Kinnarath said that he was not doing enough to deal with the internal problems that would have allowed the Canadian Nationalist Party to form a platform for the club.

"We hope that they will take further steps to educate their members, staff and council on the importance of multiculturalism. The Canadian Nationalist Party did not respond to an interview request, but in an article on its website, he stated that the Belgian club had been "short-sighted" by asking his council member "We view the event as a success and the antics of our protesters as a manifestation that threatens freedom of expression, the right to bademble, and the ability of third-party organizations to retain their rights." non-partition status (sic). "

In 2017, the University of Toronto banned the group from holding a nationalist rally on campus.

The group stated that they were only They were not supremacists or racis, and "the members of our political party want to see a government in Canada that favors the interests of the majority of native-born citizens."

Brielle Beardy-Linklater, rights activist from the person of the Nisichaweyasih Cree Nation k who participated in the protest, said that it is important to oppose the spread of the Canadian Nationalist Party and other groups with similar ideologies.

"It's the kind of thing if you give up, if you do not dispute it, it has the potential to become something that can cause a lot of harm to oppressed people," she said. .

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