During a hot week in Big Brother's house the Winston Hines brothers and Brett Robinson were subjected to tremendous stress when they found themselves pinned against each other on the block. , after sitting comfortably through the majority of the game. And at the night of expulsion, Winston, 28, was completely blinded when he was ousted from the house at an unsuspecting vote of 5-6, proving that the BB20 home is much wilder than it had expected.
"I'm always shocked, I'm here holding a Starbucks wondering what happened in the world.It's crazy," said Hines the day after his deportation, while he was trying to gather the votes. "I ran all the scenarios in my head."
He was the "nerd leading flock" when 26-year-old expedition director Scottie Salton secured all power for the week by winning both the head of household and the Power of Veto competitions. To make sure that he took a big threat, he placed the two physical beasts on the block with the hope that their strong bond would no longer be a problem to go from before. .
"In the end, his logic makes sense.Brett and I were big threats.'I really thought that at the end of the afternoon, I heard enough of gossip that I thought it was going to be unanimous, keeping me.I knew that the other side of the house was going to vote for me.I am really shocked.I know that there had been conversations that had led I'm blind, but that's part of the game. "
While Winston's charm and connections to the house proved to be badets to keep him, they also made him a greater threat social than Brett. with his noisy antics all week. But it ends up making him a bigger candidate to stay in the eyes of the guests of the house, who were planning to use it as a shield.
"All my campaign strategy was hoping that Brett presented himself as a bigger target than I. He was in. There was a huge explosion in the kitchen with Kaitlyn and him. that's why they've kept it.He was the biggest target.It's the only reasoning that comes to mind.I am just frustrated because i n & # 39; I have not done very well in any of these competitions, there is nothing I can do about it, it's all about me. "
Now that he's at outside the house, Winston has no grudge that his crime partner has managed to stay in the house and he intends to take for his brother until They've been reunited
"Have you ever seen Batman and Robin?" "We're just one and two." He kept me in good spirits in the house and we had fun. of encouragement "
Big Brother is Wednesday at 9 pm. ET / PT, Thursday at 9 pm ET / PT and Sunday at 8 pm ET / PT on Global.
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