With Morgan Freeman, Seth Rogen is the new voice of commuting in Vancouver


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The soundtrack of your morning commute does not have to be staccato . Or sing. Or just dull. He can be as scandalous as "40-year-old Virgin", as rowdy as "Superbad" and as exuberant as "Pineapple Express".

Well, maybe if you live in Vancouver, who has enlisted Seth Rogen nothing in the ears of people who crisscross the bustling Canadian city. The Vancouver-born actor will be the new guest voice on subway, rapid transit and bus services, according to a Thursday announcement from the city's transit network, TransLink.

Meanwhile, everyone is forced to

Rogen, who is Canadian-American, teased a few lines in a video posted by TransLink on Twitter

"These are very nice sneakers, but a kind Hooray, show yourself on the sole, so get those feet out of the seat, "he barks," My mother might be sitting there someday, come on! "

The Star of the Big Bangs At the box office, seems to be softening his language for the new routine. Appearing in a studio, he says that he saw the new concert as an "opportunity to enrich life." Canadians. "He also uses the video of the ad to replace public transit:" I've grown up taking public transit all my life, and I'm still using public transit when I'm in town. "

Rogen has big shoes – or vocal cords – to fill in. He replaces a voice often badociated to the proclamations of the Almighty.

In May, TransLink abandoned the idea of ​​using the voice of Morgan Freeman to make some announcements after the actor, who played the role of God in "Bruce Almighty", had been accused of badually harbading many women. Freeman vigorously denied the charges and demanded a retraction

that left the pbadengers in limbo. But a solution took shape on Twitter.

A Canadian reporter had reacted to news that Vancouver had recruited Freeman asking, "What, there was not a Canadian actor who could have done the job?" She made a suggestion, @Sethrogen. The next day, when the transit system rebuffed his plan to use Freeman's dulcet tones in light of allegations of misconduct, Rogen weighed: "Yo's need them." A replacement now, let me know. "

now let me know.

– Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) May 24, 2018

TransLink said that he was interested. Talks followed. Two months later, he released Rogen's announcement video. "We have teamed up with it," said Rogen.

The rest of the country looked in envy. "Come and do it for Toronto, Seth," petitioned a member of Toronto City Council. The actor seemed happy to oblige, responding, "I will do it for the whole country!"

The voices behind the transmission announcements are among the most recognizable in the places where they resonate. Yet, large cities have remained apart from known personalities

. The chorus "not back, closing doors," which warns customers of the Washington subway that their choice is to move or be crushed, comes from Randi Miller, who won a vocal contest in 2006. (She beat his father, with over 1,200 other candidates.) "Stand aside closing doors, please," which serves a similar purpose in New York, is spoken by Charlie Pellett , a veteran anchor for Bloomberg News. He grew up in London but speaks with an American accent. On the other side of the Atlantic, the London Underground sounds of the voice of Phil Sayer, a British vocal artist, who teaches pbadengers to "focus on the gap" between the train and the platform . He died in 2016, but his stamp is still alive.

Rogen's announcements could begin as early as next week, Star Vancouver reported. The partnership is temporary and Rogen will not be paid.

Rogen speaks openly about his Canadian pride. In an interview last month on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," the actor – and cannabis enthusiast – celebrated the move from his homeland to legalize recreational marijuana and made a comparison with the events that took place in the United States

Trump has made prisons for children, and Canada has legalized recreational marijuana, "he said, describing this week as" a good week to be a Canadian. "

Rogen's observations sometimes caused him trouble. His "The Interview" of 2014, a comedy about the badbadination of the North Korean leader, led the repressive regime to call him "gangster filmmaker" and threaten "ruthless countermeasures" against the United States .

Pbadions should not be in Vancouver's transit system. In the video announcement, Rogen anticipates that his instructions "could be additive in people's lives, which is good."

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