Wonder Woman 1984 was pushed back to 2020


Wonder Woman 1984 was delayed by seven full months, from November 2019 to June 2020.

Gal Gadot announced the news herself in an Instagram post last night, adding a puzzling legend that was really trying to turn a bad thing into a good thing.

"Very happy to announce that, thanks to the changing landscape, we are able to Wonder Woman back to his legitimate home. June 5, 2020. Be there or be square!

Putting Wonder Woman "Return to his legitimate home" seems to allude to the fact that the first film was released the first weekend of June 2017, but it seems a little strong to claim that this slot is "home" after a single film.

More interesting is the use of the phrase "changing landscape" which indicates the frantic reworking that seems to be happening at DC and Marvel right now.

Aquaman is the next DC release in December, followed by Shazam! in April, but after that, everything seems a little in the air. Joker is set for October 2019, but it's not really a DCEU movie. Disney's choice to bang The guardian of the galaxy Vol 3 (and their subsequent decision to rush Strange Doctor 2 in production), not to mention the fallout from their merger with Fox, seems to have had a ripple effect for DC – who will want to avoid any conflict with Marvel, while exploiting the large gaps.

Wonder Woman 1984 Production is already mid-term and production is scheduled to close in December. So it does not seem that the delay is caused by anything other than planning tactics.

"We had a huge success in launching the first Wonder Woman film during the summer so when we saw the opportunity to take advantage of the changing competitive landscape, we did it, "said Jeff Goldstein, president of Warner Bros., responsible for distribution, in a statement. "This movement puts the film exactly where it belongs."

Not that we know anything about the distribution strategy, but it seems a little strange. If the film was released in November 2019, as originally planned, it would have been competing with Zombieland 2, Sonic the hedgehog and Terminator 6. In his new position, he comes up against opponents like Godzilla vs Kong, Maleficent 2, Dwayne Johnston's (and Gal Gadot's) Red notice, a new Pixar movie and Top Gun: Maverick. Unless the "changing landscape" is also a sign of something more important in the CUS?

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