WWE SmackDown Results – Samoa Joe Returns, WWE Title Match, Team Main Event, Becky Lynch, More


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE SmackDown See the part. Tonight's show comes from the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.

– Tonight's WWE SmackDown opens live from State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, while Tom Phillips welcomes us. He is joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. Randy Orton and The Miz, against Rey Mysterio and Jeff Hardy.

– We're going straight to the ring and WWE Champion AJ Styles is showing up as advertisers are in full swing Jewel of the crown match against Daniel Bryan on Friday.

AJ tries to pick up the microphone but the fans start to sing his name. AJ receives a big public pop from Atlanta while he's wearing his custom t-shirt for the city. AJ says that he needs to get something from his chest. He calls Bryan in the ring and Bryan's music becomes pop. Bryan makes his way like "yes!" the song begins.

The fans are singing duels when they meet in the middle of the ring. AJ wants to apologize but Bryan says that they are fighting for the same price. Bryan goes on to consider AJ as a man and a competitor. Bryan says that when he looks at AJ right now, all he sees is the title of the WWE, not a respected man or colleague. Bryan says the title makes a lot of sense to him because when he was told that he would never fight again, all he thought was the title of the WWE, and now, AJ is the only thing which prevents it. Bryan says it's nothing personal, but he'll take the title at AJ and he'll do it Friday at Crown Jewel. Some Crown Jewel boo fans. AJ says it's good to know but Bryan did not let him finish.

AJ says he's sorry to have lied to Bryan last week. The peal kick was not an accident, it was meant for Bryan. AJ says it's nothing personal but he can not wait to do it again this Friday. Bryan acts surprised. Bryan says he's not lying and that he wants to hit AJ deliberately. AJ asks what stops him. AJ says that they should not wait for Crown Jewel, he will defend the title right here in Atlanta. The pop fans then as they prepare to fight. The music interrupts and SmackDown's curator, Shane McMahon, arrives.

Shane says we've seen this before, two competitors wanting to fight, and this never happens, but it's SmackDown and he's back. Shane announces Bryan vs. Styles in the Jewel of the crown match for the title here tonight in Atlanta. A "yes!" the song begins. Shane says the match is happening right now. He calls an arbitrator. Tom says Jewel of the crown arrive early. AJ and Bryan have words in the middle of the ring as we move to the commercial.

WWE Title Match: Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles

Back from the break, we receive Greg Hamilton's official presentations. They measure themselves against each other and exchange outlets when the bell rings. Bryan takes AJ in a hold and stabs his arm. AJ returns and continues to trade while Bryan focuses on his left arm. AJ throws Bryan at the apron. Bryan laughs AJ and returns to the ropes. Fans sing for AJ while they lock themselves again. Bryan takes the corner. They break but Bryan pushes AJ. AJ pushes back. Bryan pushes him again. AJ with another push. Bryan grabs his left arm and starts working on it again, sending AJ into his outstretched arms.

Bryan with kicking his arm now. AJ turns him over with a chop in the corner. Bryan counteracts a movement in the corner and they run the ropes together. AJ nails a dropkick and Bryan is resting on the ground. AJ launches on the ground with a forearm but Bryan moves. Bryan returns to the ring and runs the ropes doing a suicide plunge to send AJ into the barrier. Bryan is clinging to the ground as we move on to advertising.

Back from the break and Bryan hits "yes!" kicking while AJ is on his knees. AJ catches a kick and nails a Dragon Screw leg bad. AJ is now focusing on the leg as fans sing his name. AJ drops a DDT on his left knee and continues to work on it. AJ keeps Bryan in a bid for the leg now that the referee warns him. Bryan makes an armband attempt but AJ resists. AJ hits Bryan at the knee and kicks him. AJ is talking a little bit about garbage by kicking Bryan in a corner. AJ again presses on Bryan's knee.

Bryan goes back in the corner but AJ stays on him. Bryan fights with the uppercuts but AJ hits the leg again. AJ pushes the knee into the turnbuckle and Bryan stands up, knee tight. AJ drops an elbow on his knee and keeps Bryan on the ground again in the middle of the ring. Bryan tries to break free and does it. Bryan balances AJ in the corner with strikes. Bryan bumps into an elbow. AJ switches to the MoonSault command in an inverted DDT, but it is stuck. Bryan with knees in his face before dropping AJ on his neck. Bryan with more "yes!" kicking now. Bryan drops AJ with the last kick. Bryan starts a "yes!" sings while waiting for AJ to get up.

Bryan loads with the knee but AJ gets up and nails a dropkick. AJ gets up but Bryan pushes him into the top curtain. Bryan goes up while AJ is at the top facing the crowd. Bryan goes for the super super back but AJ against the air and lands on Bryan. Both Superstars are trying to recover on the mat as we return to the ad.

Back from the break, Bryan picks the Yes Lock for the champion. AJ makes the rescue by going to the bottom rope. AJ eventually surprises Bryan from the ground ring while he is on the apron. Bryan landed hard on his knee and grabbed him. AJ hits the knee at the announcements table now. Bryan against and bads AJ in the steel steps. Bryan brings AJ back to the ring. Bryan drinks around while some fans start booing. Bryan nails the big knee to the face in the corner.

Bryan steps back and throws another knee into the corner. Bryan takes AJ to the first curtain and tries to hit the hurricane but AJ against. Bryan corrects them and gains power, straightening up and sending AJ to the mat with hurricane. Further back now. Bryan kicks AJ while AJ is on the apron. Bryan uses the ropes to work on the injured left arm. Bryan with more moves now but AJ nails another Dragon screw, this time using the ropes. Bryan falls into the ring while AJ takes a break on the floor. AJ is preparing for the phenomenal forearm but he is stuck. Bryan goes for the armband in the middle of the ring but AJ resists.

Bryan turns this into Yes Lock. The referee checks AJ but he turns off the machine. Bryan makes a triangle. AJ seems to be attenuating now, while Bryan is trying to complete the catch. Fans are singing for AJ. AJ lights up and nails a conflict of styles in the middle of the ring for a pop. AJ applies the calf crusher while Bryan reaches for the lower rope. AJ keeps him locked and Bryan taps for the finish.

Winner: AJ Styles

– After the match, Styles recovers as his music pbades. Styles lifts the title while the referee raises his arm. Bryan recovers and gets up under AJ's gaze. Bryan reaches out for a shake and AJ squeezes it. They kiss and AJ raises Bryan's arm. Samoa Joe hits the ring out of nowhere and attacks AJ from behind. Bryan leaves the ring as Joe lands on AJ and drops him in the middle of the ring with the Clutch Coquina. Bryan comes back and knocks Joe to break the jack. Joe takes the leg and works it. Joe with the Clutch Coquina on Bryan now.

– Advertisers hype the WWE World Cup tournament at Crown Jewel. We go backstage on a mysterious promo of Jeff Hardy, who claims that he will prove once and for all that he is the best in the world. We then move on to a behind-the-scenes promotion at The Miz. He is not only the best husband, father and star of reality TV in the world, but he is also the best WWE Superstar in the world and he will prove it on Friday. Still to come, Miz and Randy Orton against Hardy and Rey Mysterio.

– We see crew members making Halloween decorations for tonight's Trick or Street Fight. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break, we see still images of Evolution.

– SmackDown CEO, Paige, is backstage with Charlotte Flair. She gives Flair accessories for the Last Woman Standing Match with SmackDown Women's Champion Becky Lynch and says it could have happened anyway. Paige asks Flair if she will be the captain of the WWI SmackDown Women's Team Survivor Series but Flair declines the offer. Paige tells Flair to think about it and she says she'll do it.

– The hype of advertisers Jewel of the crown and lead us to a video package for DX vs.. The Brothers of Destruction.

Trick or Street Fight: Big E vs. Cesaro

We're going into the ring for tonight's Trick or Street Fight and we're the first to arrive The New Day – Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. We hear the intro of Big E but the music of The Brood begins. The Brood is from the Attitude era and consisted of Gangrel, Christian and the WWE Hall of Famer Edge. The next team champions of SmackDown, The Bar, Cesaro and Sheamus, with Big Show. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Big E was chosen by The New Day, while Cesaro was chosen to represent his team. Big E blocks a kendo stick of corn candy and lands on Cesaro with. We see a table leaning in a corner. There are pumpkins all around the ring on the apron. Cesaro thwarts a blow and a big fight breaks out in the ring with both teams.

Show looks to double the Chokeslam Kofi and Woods, but he pushes them above the top rope after trying a double clothesline. Big E and Sheamus then send Big E upstairs. Sheamus grabs the pancake tray and throws it into Kofi's face. Sheamus with a sentinel rolling to Kofi on the ground. Show the forces that Woods has to apply in a bucket at the edge of the ring. Cesaro drives Big E on a pile of pumpkins in the middle of the ring, but Big E starts at 2am. Cesaro tries to catch Big E in the corner, but Big E blocks him twice. Big E surprises Cesaro at the top of the pumpkin stack in the middle of the ring.

Sheamus enters the ring and nails Big E. Sheamus tries to pbad Big E across the table, but Big E goes against and sends Sheamus across the table. Woods enters and kicks off Show, preventing him from entering the apron. Show catches Kofi at the edge of the ring but Woods comes to help him. Show grabs them both but they spit the mist in his face. This leads Cesaro and Big E to go back and forth in the middle of the ring. Big E spits the fog on Cesaro and drops him to win.

Winner: Big E

– After the match, The New Day celebrates the ramp. Show and Cesaro are covered in red fog.

– Advertisers beat the World Cup tournament at Jewel of the crown again. Shane McMahon is backstage with Jeff Hardy and The Miz, asking who will become the best in the world on Friday. Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio are also on the back with Shane. Rey knows how vicious and intimidating Orton can be. Orton scares the other Superstars, but Rey is there to represent all those who have been despised. Orton says he's vicious and that he'll show Rey how vicious he can be tonight. Orton says that he will show Rey why he should never have come back to WWE. Jeff has words for Miz and says that he will show everyone what it can be – the best. Miz makes fun of Hardy and says that Hardy will crush and burn in his first game. Miz says he's been wearing SmackDown since coming to the brand and that will not change. Miz hits Rey and Hardy's looks like Halloween and continues to be the best. Shane says that he called them here for a reason. They will understand the seriousness of the situation because he does not want his sister to say that a RAW Superstar is the best in the world. Shane says if one of these SmackDown superstars loses to a RAW superstar in the World Cup final, she will be fired from SmackDown.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. R-Truth

We're going into the ring and WWE USA champion Shinsuke Nakamura is coming out. Tom says it will be a match for the title, but it's inaccurate as it has already been announced as a non-title. We go to the commercial.

Back from the break, Paige, general manager of SmackDown, is behind the scenes with AJ Styles. Styles wants Samoa Joe for Jewel of the crown and Paige is doing the game. We return to the ring and R-Truth goes out with Carmella. Come and go to start the game. The truth takes over and sends Nakamura to the ground over the top rope. Carmella enters the ring and dances with the truth while we go to the commercial.

Back from the break, Nakamura reversed the trend. Nakamura drops one knee and covers the truth for a total of 2. Nakamura keeps the truth in the middle of the ring with a bid now. The truth returns and drops Nakamura with a big scissor while Carmella encourages him. Truth splits and Nakamura goes out as he stands up. The truth covers for another close account 2.

Nakamura kicks and drops the truth. The truth bads Nakamura in the corner but Nakamura against. Nakamura with a big kick at the nape of the neck. Nakamura positions the truth on the upper tensioner and pushes his knee into the ribs. Nakamura with a 2 as Truth puts his foot on the bottom rope. The truth counteracts a gesture but Nakamura throws it with an elbow at the nape of his neck. Nakamura with another blow in the neck. Nakamura charges and strikes Kinshasa for the victory.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

– After the match, Nakamura stands proudly and lifts the title over the music.

– We see Becky Lynch behind the scenes. We go to the commercial.

– Back from the break, advertisers briefly discuss the evolution.

– We're going into the ring and SmackDown's women's champion, Becky Lynch, speaks up. Tom Becky's hyps against the RAW Women's Champion Ronda Rousey for the upcoming WWE Survivor Series pay per view.

Becky says she's won. She was folded on a stack of chairs and punished more severely to Evolution but she won. Becky says that she is the last woman standing and when Evolution was over, there was only one woman that everyone considered the main event legitimate – it. Becky says that beating Charlotte Flair, the most decorated woman in history, proved that she was the man. This goes for RAW and SmackDown. Becky says she'll go slamming everyone's head when it's needed.

Becky asks what's next for her and addresses Ronda Rousey. Becky says the other women Rousey has played with are already defeated, but she's different and has traveled the world to crush women like Rousey. Becky says that she did not come for cosplay or talk about a reality show, she's going Survivor Series to tear off Ronda's arm. Becky drops the microphone and lifts the title as her music pbades.

– Advertisers beat the Jewel of the crown card again. Tom leads us to a video package for Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman for the vacant WWE title.

The Miz and Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio

We are going into the ring for tonight's main event and the first to arrive are The Miz. Back to commercial.

Back from the break, we see Triple H's tweet about sending a custom WWE title to the Boston Red Sox for their MLB World Series win. We cut the backstage of a Samoa Joe promo. Joe asks AJ if he really thought that they had finished. Joe talks again about the AJ family and says he'll be rectifying his last chapter, which has smothered him and that Joe is raising the WWE title over his head – the end . We return to the ring for the main event and The Miz is waiting for his partner, Randy Orton, to go. Jeff Hardy is the first for his team. Rey Mysterio came out last. Rey takes the turn to pose while we return to the commercial.

Back from the break, Hardy leaves with Orton. Hardy repeatedly hits Orton's head against the turnbuckles. Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate but stops when Miz arrives. Hardy lets loose Miz and the leg lets him down. Orton blocks another attempt by Twist of Fate. Hardy goes to the top, but Miz pushes him away while Orton distracts the referee. Rey runs to warn Miz. The referee is again distracted by Rey and Orton, allowing Miz to get more punches for Hardy. Orton goes back to work with Hardy and keeps him at rest.

Miz marks and taps Hardy. Miz loads with a big boot in the face for a charge of 2. Orton ends up having low shots for Hardy while the referee is distracted. Miz keeps Hardy in the corner and makes his own. Orton marks and slings Hardy under the lower rope. Fans are trying to rally Hardy while Orton is in control. Orton uses the lower rope on Hardy's neck again. Hardy tries to find a label but Orton tramples on him. Orton slips in an inch to the eye. Hardy seems to want to turn around, but Orton gives him a score of 2.

Hardy ends up restarting Orton and nails a Whisper In the Wind. Fans gather again for Hardy while Rey waits for the tag. Finally, Rey gets the label and launches himself. Miz enters too. Rey lands with offense and nails a DDT for a total of 2. Miz catches Rey in a backbreaker and then hits a snare for a close-in attempt. Rey and Miz come and go with counters now. Hardy adds a blanket but fails to get it. Rey sends Miz to the turnbuckles. Jeff follows up with Poetry In Motion. Rey sends Miz back to the ropes and nails 619. Hardy climbs to the top and hits the Swanton bomb on Miz for the pin to win.

Winners: Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio

– After the match, Orton immediately hits the ring and drops Hardy with the RKO. Rey flew away but Orton got him out of the air with another big RKO. Orton now has a mixed reaction. Orton then catches Miz and drops him off with the RKO. Orton's music hits when we move to replays. Orton poses in the corner while SmackDown leaves the airwaves.

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