YouTubers Oppose Canadians' Favorite Snacks


As Canadians, we know that our neighbors to the south do not always understand some of our favorite snacks. Remember when Americans could not understand All Dressed Fleas?

It seems that many non-Canadians are baffled by some of our national specialties. We had YouTubers do a little test of taste.

For some, like musician Landon Austin, ketchup chips are a no-no.

Landon Austin tries ketchup chips

Landon Austin (Daily Hive / YouTube)

Lifestyle journalist Hannah Witton is very attached to Coffee Crisp.

Hannah Witton tries Coffee Crisp

Hannah Witton (daily hive / YouTube)

And Andrew Rose Gregory, a quarterback of the comic Gregory Brothers, does not understand why Smarties exist.

Andrew Rose Gregory tries the Smarties

Andrew Rose Gregory (Daily Hive / YouTube)

Watch more reactions to your favorite Halloween treats here:

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Laurenne Karmel

Laurenne is the video content coordinator for Daily Hive Video. She is a graduate of the University of British Columbia English Department and BCIT Television and Video Production Program. She loves Thai cooking, buying savings, Harry Potter and the Oxford comma.

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