There will always have a si? Surrounding the DC Worlds after Zack Snyder's departure from the Justice League.
Aside from the debate on Snyder – yes, we still want it – there are other issues lurking behind Warner Brothers after admitting that he had planned to introduce Supergirl into his Justice League schedule after an Easter egg for the character was spotted in Man Of Steel, Zack Snyder has now confirmed another superhero woman would have popped up in his film series.
And now he clarified what he had planned for Robin' s. he stayed with Warner Brothers to help create what became Worlds of DC.
A user invited the revelation by reporting a Suicide Squad scene removal that sees Batman interview Harley, who sees the cape talking about the Joker taking something important from me. & # 39; ;
Ask the director if that meant Jason Todd (because that's what many of us thought was killed in this Robin), Zack responded with a terribly noisy announcement that he It was actually "Richard" – Richard being the full name of Dick Grayson, the first Robin who will become Nightwing.
<img data-orig-id = "7781841" data-orig-w = "735" data-orig-h = "400" data-width-width = "620" width = "620" height = "337 "data-rsz =" shrink "src =" data: image / gif; base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mP8 / B8AAusB9FD6Pn0AAAAASUVORK5CYII = "data-src =" https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/sei_23684010-9677.jpg ? w = 620 & h = 337 & crop = 1 & quality = 80 "alt =" Snyder goin Before revealing that Robin would have made a comeback in his film series, but like Carrie – something that would have probably irritated a lot of fans (Picture: DC )
This obviously led to many questions, more specifically if he had ever considered introducing another Robin.
This sparked another answer, the director briefly stating that Robin " would remain dead … until Carrie. "
More: Batman
The character he is referring to is Carrie Kelly, the girl who pushed Batman to take her as Robin in the race of Frank Miller Batman.
DC fans know that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was heavily influenced by The Dark Knight Returns, especially the battle scene between Bruce and Clark.
And while the rumors claiming that Jena Malone was played in Carrie, proved false we now know that Zack Snyder planned to pair Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne at some point. in the future.
PLUS: The original story Joker Joaquin Phoenix is the wrong film at the wrong time
MORE: How Shazam! can record the DC Universe
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