Canon’s new iOS app will sort your best shots


Even without the limitations of a 36-photo film roll or fast-maximizing memory cards, it doesn’t take long to fill an iPhone and cloud photo storage. So Canon has released an iOS app It can make the tough decisions for you when it’s time to erase certain memories by using AI to objectively decide which shots aren’t worth keeping.

Having access to terabytes of cloud storage is a double-edged sword, because unless you’re willing to pay for the privilege of being a digital accumulator, you’ll eventually need to clean up your film, and years of fun can leave you with thousands of photos to paint by hand. But now you can leave the hard work to PHIL (short for Photography Intelligence Learning), what Canon has called its Computer Vision AI Platform.

In the Photo selection app, there are two ways to put PHIL to work. The “Whole Culling” option analyzes your entire filmstrip and rates each photo based on four different criteria: noise, sharpness, eyes closed, and emotion detected. Users set a score threshold and the app will then present a list of photos that are not up to par and can be deleted, allowing users to take one last look at keepers they don’t want to part ways with. , even if it’s a bad move.

The other option is called “Similar Culling” and uses artificial intelligence to sort similar-looking photos into groups, rate each shot, and then present the user with the top two. images of each series and the possibility of quickly removing the rest. He promises to make the decision much easier photo deletion process because the reality is, as beautiful as last night’s sunset was, there’s little chance you’ll ever go back to look at 40 photos of the sunset.

Other features include a running count of how many photos on your device and how much storage they take up and automatic sorting of albums based on time stamps or photos taken during the same event. When an album starts to get too big, the app will automatically remind you that it’s probably time to clean the house. However, according to the fine print, the app does not work with photos uploaded to iCloud and requires users to ensure that the “Download and keep originals” option is enabled so that all photos are on the device itself.

Canon Photo Culling is available on the Apple App Store for now and while you can try it out for free for three days, it does require a monthly subscription of $ 3 or a cheaper annual subscription of $ 15 if you think it’s something you’ll use often.


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