Can’t visit the dentist? Here’s how to take better care of your teeth | health and wellbeing


For many of us, the routine trip to the dentist is just one of the ways our lives have been disrupted in 2020. The British Dental Association (BDA) estimates that since the March lockdown, dentists in England provided nearly 19 million less treatments than during the same period last year.

What do you need to know about dental emergencies and what more can you do to take care of your teeth? We asked the experts.

What dentistry services are currently available?

Although some routine dental treatments are available again, in the UK the operational capacity of surgeries has been reduced and some are sorting patients according to their level of need and risk.

If you would like to see your dentist, it is advisable to contact him by phone or email to see if it is necessary for you to visit. For up-to-date advice on accessing dental care in the UK, check the NHS website.

What is the risk of catching coronavirus at the dentist?

Although they are believed to be at high risk of contracting Covid-19, a recent study of nearly 2,200 U.S. dentists found less than 1% of them tested positive in June. BDA scientific adviser Professor Damien Walmsley says dentists’ systematic attention to infection control gives them an advantage. “It’s almost second nature to us.”

A potential increased risk of coronavirus transmission lies in the use of instruments such as dental drills or ultrasonic scalers, which create a fine mist.

How do dentists cope?

The profession continues to adapt its procedures as more is learned about the spread of the virus. For example, some dentists have switched to portable tools that are slower but create less spray. “It’s all a bit of a compromise,” Walmsley says.

Access to services is improving. In England, the ‘fallow time’ during which a treatment room must remain empty after any aerosol-generating procedure has recently been reduced from one hour to 15-20 minutes (depending on ventilation), allowing dentists to see more than patients.

What can I do to take care of my teeth when I cannot go to a dentist?

“The majority of dental problems are preventable,” says Walmsley. Brushing your teeth morning and night, for two minutes each time, will usually be enough to prevent cavities and gum disease. Studies have shown, however, that people brush their teeth for an average of 43 seconds. “Four minutes a day is not a lot to ask,” says Dr. Nigel Carter, CEO of the Oral Health Foundation.

Man showing children how to brush their teeth
We should brush our teeth two minutes twice a day. Photography: 10,000 hours / Getty Images

What type of toothpaste should I use?

Any fluoride toothpaste will do. Not only does this help prevent tooth decay, but it slows down the rate of progression of any existing decay. Carter is concerned about the increasing availability of “natural” fluoride-free toothpastes. Water fluoridation is not widespread in the UK, “so we really need this protection,” he says.

Is it a good idea to switch to an electric toothbrush?

What you brush is less important than brushing. Walmsley says a manual toothbrush is just as effective as an electric toothbrush if you brush for two minutes, twice a day. Some electric toothbrushes, however, have a timer – or even an app – to help you be more thorough. “I can say from personal experience that it took me from 1.5 minutes to 2 minutes,” Carter says of her electric toothbrush.

How often should I replace my toothbrush?

Dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush or brush head every three months. Very few people do. “As a nation, we use 1.2, 1.3 head a year,” Carter says. “There are a lot of very old dirty toothbrushes out there.”

Does brushing your teeth reduce your risk of coronavirus?

Martin Addy, professor emeritus of dentistry at the University of Bristol, argued that more frequent brushing should be encouraged alongside hand washing to protect against the coronavirus, as the antimicrobial agents in toothpaste and mouthwash reduce bacteria in the mouth.

A link to brushing has yet to be proven, but last week a Cardiff University study found “promising signs” that mouthwash could help kill the coronavirus. Further research into how oral hygiene might help reduce the risk of coronavirus is ongoing.

What can I do other than thorough brushing?

If you already floss regularly, stick to it. If you haven’t gotten into the habit yet, get interdental brushes, which are easier to use than floss. Interdental cleaning is especially important if you have a history of gum disease. Do this before brushing your teeth.

What else should I watch out for?

“Being aware of what and when you eat is also vital for a healthy mouth,” says Nyree Whitley, group clinical director for dental provider mydentist. Many people consumed more sugar and alcohol during the pandemic, which adversely affects oral health for an extended period. Whitley suggests limiting snacks and consuming sugar only as part of a meal.

Floss before brushing your teeth.
Floss your teeth before brushing your teeth. Photograph: PeopleImages / Getty Images

My gums are bleeding after brushing and flossing. Should I be worried?

People can be put off by this, especially when starting a new oral health plan, but Carter’s advice is to persevere. “This is not an indication that you are brushing too hard – it probably means you did not brush well enough.” The bleeding indicates a certain level of gum disease and will likely stop as your gums become healthier.

Whitley says dentists reported that patients’ gum disease worsened in the months between the first lockdown and reopening practices mid-year: “It’s a good reminder of how quickly the disease gums may get worse. “

Can I duplicate a professional hygienist’s cleaning at home?

It’s “getting lost in DIY dentistry,” says Walmsley. Even with his expertise, he knows better than to attempt dentistry on his own. “You could easily get into trouble,” he says. If there is visible plaque or tartar (calcified plaque) around the neck of your teeth, talk to your dentist about the possibility of reserving for a scale and varnish.

I think I cringe. What can I do?

This would have become more prevalent during the pandemic, due to increased stress levels. If you know that you have a tendency to clench your jaw while concentrating, or that you are stressed out during the day, realizing this may be enough to break the habit.

Squeaking from sleep, known as bruxism, is more difficult to combat. You might not even know you’re doing it unless you’re sharing a bed, but it can cause insomnia, facial pain, and headaches. Your dentist will be able to tell if you are damaging your teeth and suggest possible treatments.

How do I know if I have a dental emergency?

Chipping a tooth, without any associated pain, is usually not an emergency, Walmsley says. If you’ve broken or lost a filling, crown, or veneer, you can get an emergency repair kit from a pharmacist to help you until you can talk to your dentist. Toothache can be relieved with paracetamol or ibuprofen.

“An urgent dental need could include swelling of the face extending to the eye or neck, bleeding after an extraction that doesn’t stop, toothache that makes it difficult to eat or sleep, or trauma that results in bleeding or fractures, ”says Whitley. In the UK, call your dentist on their emergency line or call 111.

I broke a tooth. What do I do?

It is also a high priority: a knocked out adult tooth can usually be re-implanted if a dentist can access it quickly. “The longer the tooth is out of the mouth, the more likely it is that the body will reject it,” says Walmsley.

Holding the tooth by the crown and not the root, try to put it back into the hole in the gum tissue. Gently bite down on a clean cloth to hold it in place. If the tooth does not penetrate easily, put it in a container with milk or saliva (adults can also hold it inside their cheek). “Don’t wash it under the tap – you want to keep all the little cells and all the body parts around,” Walmsley says. If you can’t find the tooth, always seek emergency care.

What else should I be looking for?

Oral cancer symptoms can be “annoying but manageable,” warns Whitley, who suspects that because people’s perception is that they only have a minor problem, they “just delay help.” If you have mouth ulcers that don’t heal within a few weeks or persistent unexplained lumps in your mouth or lymph nodes (in the neck), contact your dentist or doctor.

I usually see my dentist twice a year. How concerned should I be about this break?

“For people who go there regularly and have little more than an exam, scale and polish, there’s really nothing to worry about,” Carter says. The profession has sought to lengthen the interval between examinations for these healthier patients over the past 15 years as the decay rate has decreased.

You should talk to your dentist about how often you need to see them, taking into account your patient history, Carter says. If you have good oral hygiene, you may need to go once every two to three years. If your diet is failing, now is a great time to improve it, he says. The dentist is “not the repair shop that does everything for you – you have to be in charge of your own oral health”.


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