"Captain Marvel", writer: the film will inspire "Studies on women and academic work"


"Captain Marvel" is the last installment of the franchise opened this week. It is expected to bring in more than $ 350 million worldwide during its opening weekend.

But before it was released, it was constantly emphasized that it was a "feminist" film and that anyone who would not like it was simply sexist and did not like superhero movies directed by women (ignoring the fact that critics and audiences "Wonder Woman"). The film has been criticized by critics of rotten tomatoes, although that clearly does not mean anything to the viewers.

It did not help in the months leading up to the movie, Brie Larson, who plays the main character, could not stop finding sexism wherever she looked.

The intensity for which this film has been portrayed as a feminine wonder has not been seen since the remake of "Ghostbusters" with an all-female cast. Feminists certainly tried this with "Wonder Woman", but star Gal Gadot did not stir the pot and the film was actually well done and fun.

But Captain Marvel will certainly be considered a feminist film and comic actress Kelly Sue DeConnick even believes that scientific articles will be written on a particular scene of the film.

DeConnick gave the Hollywood Reporter a humble and entertaining interview, but at one point she asked her if she was surprised, shocked or impressed by anything during the shooting or the final scene. DeConnick replied:

"There is a scene towards the end, I think there will be studies on women and academic articles written on this stage. I have a lot of opinions about it. I think it's daring and badly needed. And then there is something missing in this film that I also think is a crazy progressive. But I'm afraid to identify one or the other of these things as a spoiler. "

No doubt DeConnick is right, and it does not appear as if she had necessarily written the character in order to achieve academic goals. One day, however, someone will find something sexist in the portrait of "Captain Marvel". Academics in gender studies never disappoint.

This is not a criticism of DeConnick. His interview was revealing and his explanations behind many of the characters chosen by Captain Marvel in the comics were fantastic (his response on Goose is particularly endearing).

It's all the brand culture of some movies even before they are published as masterpieces and achievements for identity groups that are not white men. We were not allowed to criticize Ghostbusters, Wonder Woman or Black Panther or Captain Marvel, otherwise we were considered bigots. Pinning so much identity on one movie can not be healthy.

But this is where we are with modern feminism and other identity groups. This film will probably inspire female studies essays lazily written by students. And they will be as wooden and flat as Brie Larson's performance in "Captain Marvel".


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