Carli Lloyd deserves "honest test" after scoring 55 yards in NFL practice | sport


World Cup champion Carli Lloyd showed her leg during a visit to the Philadelphia Eagles' training camp on Tuesday, scoring a series of field goals that drew the attention of at least an NFL scout who said she deserved an "honest attempt" with a team looking for a place-kicker.

Lloyd, originally from southern New Jersey and Eagles long time fan, connected on several 40-yard attempts with enough free space before hitting after 55 tries after a common practice of the Eagles and Baltimore Ravens south of Philadelphia, said the team.

Then the 37-year-old striker at NWSL's Sky Blue FC posted a video of the session and said, "I'm really impressed by all these guys. It's great to be here. Really looking forward to the season. "

The film caught the attention of Gil Brandt, retired Dallas Cowboys' talented evaluator, who stated that an NFL team needing a kicker, like the Chicago Bears, should give Lloyd a look.

"Honestly, I do not think it will take a long time before a woman crosses this NFL barrier," Brandt said. wrote on Twitter. "I would do (Lloyd) an honest test if I were, for example, the Bears."

The Bears are looking for a kicker since their dismissal of Cody Parkey, who missed his last game against the Eagles in their playoff draw at the January draw ending the Chicago season.

Philadelphia Eagles


January 7, 2019

Parkey was one of five winners in the Chicago payroll at one point last season and no less than five others tried to replace him during the pre-season, with 23-year-old Eddy Pineiro leading the pack. .

Brandt, age 86, was the chief scout of the Cowboys from 1960 to 1988 and has forged a reputation for his unconventional methods including the extraction of other sports for celebrities. the NFL, including Bob Hayes, Cornell Green, Peter Gent, Toni Fritsch, Percy Howard and Ken. Johnson, Ron Howard, Wade Manning and Manny Hendrix. He was inducted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame earlier this year.


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