Carson City, Quad County COVID-19 Briefing Thursday: 42 new cases, 46 recoveries | Carson City Nevada News


Carson City Health and Human Services reported on Thursday, November 19, 2020 that there are 42 new cases and 46 additional recoveries of COVID-19 in the Quad-County area. This brings the total number of cases to 2,835, with 2,094 recoveries and 27 deaths; 714 cases remain active.

Carson City
-1545 Total cases (+22 from 11/18)

-612 Active (-3 from 18/11)
-922 recovered (+25 from 11/18)
-11 deaths (+0 from 18/11)

Douglas County
-516 Total (+15 from 11/18)
-40 Active (+8 from 18/11)
-474 recovered (+7 of 11/18)
-2 deaths (+0 from 18/11)

County of Lyon
-743 Total (+4 from 11/18)
-58 Active (-10 from 18/11)
-671 recovered (+14 of 11/18)
-14 deaths (+0 from 18/11)

Storey County
-31 Total (+1 from 18/11)
-4 Active (+1 from 18/11)
-27 recoveries (+0 of 11/18)

-2,835 cases in total (+42 from 11/18)
-714 active cases (-4 from 11/18)
-2094 recovered (+46 of 11/18)
-27 deaths (+0 from 18/11)

The gender and age breakdown of cases by county as well as cases by postcode is available at

Statewide figures can be found on the Nevada Health Response website:

Quad-County COVID-19 Daily Update Change
Due to the increasing number of daily cases, CCHHS will no longer provide specific details on each individual case. As of Monday, October 26, CCHHS will only report on the number of new cases, healings and deaths for each county.

Website tracks case exposures and demographics over a 2 week period
Quad-County’s COVID-19 Weekly Reports are now available. These reports highlight case exposures and demographics over a 2-week period in the Quad-County area as well as for each county or municipality (Carson City, Douglas County, Lyon County, Storey County). Go here to see the reports.

Driving flu shots and COVID-19 testing for residents of four counties
There are more driving flu vaccination and COVID-19 testing events for Quad-County residents this week. For convenience, CCHHS is responsible for billing most insurance. For the uninsured, we charge an administration fee of $ 20; however, no one will be refused for inability to pay. CCHHS is not under contract with Tricare or the unions. The tests are free; first come, first served, no appointment or reservation.

CCHHS will continue to offer combined flu shot and COVID-19 screening events for residents of Quad County throughout November. Go here to see a list of events in November.

Carson City Health and Human Services has launched a new phone number for the Quad-County COVID-19 hotline. As of Tuesday, November 17, the phone number will be (775) 434-1988. The hotline is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The change is needed to manage the volume of calls regarding questions about COVID and the number of people interested in being tested. CCHHS will continue to offer testing to residents of Quad-County with and without symptoms.


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