Casey Hudson to BioWare staff: "These problems are real and our top priority is working on them"


Casey Hudson to BioWare staff:

After the bomb released yesterday in Kotaku's article that revealed serious problems in BioWare's work environment, the studio's general manager, Casey Hudson, sent an internal memo to staff acknowledging the publication of the article. He acknowledges that the problems are present and that "our priority is to continue to work to solve them". Hudson went on to outline the efforts already made to alleviate some of the high-level concerns, while stating that "there is still much work to be done".

When I was offered to return to BioWare as GM, I entered the role knowing that the studio was facing significant challenges in terms of team health, creative vision and organizational focus. I was – and continues to be – enthusiastic about helping to make improvements in these areas because I love this studio and, above all, I want to create a place where you will all be happy and successful.

I'm not going to tell you that I've done a good job in this area, and one day like today, I certainly feel like I'm not doing it. However, some of the steps we have taken in this regard include a more focused mission and studio values, to clarify what we are here to do and how we set a high standard for our studio culture. We have updated the structure of our studio around a matrix so that department heads can focus fully on individual career and well-being support. We define better clarity of roles so that people can be more successful in meeting clear expectations. And we put in place production changes that will allow a clearer vision of the project, as well as a significant post-production period, which will further reduce the pressure and anxiety of the teams during development .

But I know there is still a lot of work to be done and we will talk more about the other actions we planned in response to internal and post-mortem comments at All-Hands next week. As always, continue to provide feedback on what we can do to make BioWare the best place to work.

Read the full letter in Kotaku.

What do you think of Hudson's words? Should something similar have been BioWare's answer instead of yesterday's?


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