UNFRIENDED: Mark Zuckerberg's allies who turned on Facebook

[ad_1] Perhaps wisely, Mark Zuckerberg has disabled the feature on Facebook that lets you see how many friends he has on the social network. The number is probably large, since it has 114 million people following its updates. His IRL friendship group looks a little smaller, thanks to a tumultuous 18-month scandal including the Cambridge … Read more

4 examples Bitcoin is now a more mature asset than in 2017

[ad_1] Remember when any negative or positive development would result in a drastic change in Bitcoin price action? Well, those days seem to be long gone, which suggests that BTC is becoming a much more mature asset. Here are four examples showing that BTC is no longer influenced by all the news that comes to … Read more

The US health care system is a "national disgrace"

[ad_1] <p class = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The American health system is a" national shame "" And should be replaced by a single payer model, says Charlie Munger, Berkshire Hathaway's right-hand man (BRK-A& nbsp;BRK-B) Warren Buffett, CEO. "Data-reactid =" 15 "> … Read more

Traffic flanks of Binance and Coinbase in the form of Bitcoin increase by 81% from the beginning

[ad_1] More than a million Internet users visit Binance every day as the cryptocurrency exchange handles a $ 40 million hacking scandal in a context of soaring bitcoin prices. Toronto-based Kevin Rooke, known for his insightful analysis of social media related to cryptography, revealed that Binance's average daily traffic increased by 13% in April. Since … Read more

The IPO of Uber is blocked, caught in the perfect storm – Axios

[ad_1] Uber was hit by a confluence of negative events, some of whom were out of his control: The Dow was already down more than 300 points before the first transaction of Uber, largely because of the imposition by President Trump of higher tariffs on imports from China. Stocks recovered later, but investor sentiment was … Read more

Uber IPO example of the mediocrity era of Silicon Valley

[ad_1] Delayed maturity. Many of these companies have created real businesses that generate real and growing incomes – which many of the small business firms in the last boom of the 1990s lacked – but none of them has generated consistent profits. This concerns not only the new consumer businesses mentioned above, but also most … Read more