August in Humboldt County, the deadliest month in the pandemic; 2,001 cases, 98 hospitalizations, 22 deaths reported this month alone

[ad_1] CanStockPhoto Stock Images One hundred and nineteen new cases of COVID-19 have been treated and confirmed in Humboldt County today. The total number of residents who test positive for the virus now stands at 7,111. Two new hospitalizations have also been reported, including one in their 30s and another in their 60s. In August … Read more

India announces first diplomatic contact with the Taliban | News | DW

[ad_1] Only a few hours after the departure of the last American troops from Afghanistan, end America’s longest warIndia held its first official talks with the Taliban, marking a significant policy shift. Indian Ambassador to Qatar Deepak Mittal spoke on Tuesday with Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, head of the Taliban’s political office, at the Indian … Read more

Intermountain CEO calls on Utahns: wear a mask

[ad_1] Gov. Spencer Cox says he will wear a mask more often, but his “extreme masker” comment draws criticism. (Leah Hogsten | The Salt Lake Tribune) Dr Marc Harrison, CEO of Intermountain Healthcare, previously thanked those present for wearing a mask during Governor Spencer J. Cox and Lieutenant Governor Deidre’s update Henderson on the ongoing … Read more

Stanford Bans Student From Campus For Racist And Sexist Social Media Posts | New

[ad_1] Stanford University has banned a student from entering campus after posting racist and sexist social media posts Sunday and Monday, although the university has yet to say whether the student will be expelled or whether he would face further disciplinary action. In a public letter mondayStanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne said preventing the student from … Read more

First and only wine bar opens in Inglewood

[ad_1] Inglewood, CA (KABC) -Inglewood’s new wine bar just opened. Sisters Leslie and Lian Jones love great food and good times, but their love of wine has been the catalyst for the 1010 wines and events. The town said it was the first and only wine bar in Inglewood, where the two co-owners grew up … Read more

COVID cases strain oxygen supplies in South Florida hospitals

[ad_1] MIAMI – According to the Florida Hospital Association, the surge in COVID hospitalizations due to the Delta variant is putting pressure on both oxygen production and delivery. To treat the new wave of COVID patients, some hospitals are having to use three to four times the amount of oxygen they would normally have used. … Read more

The historic church wants to settle the parking problem with the city

[ad_1] LEXINGTON, Ky. (WTVQ) – Parking problems for Main Street Baptist Church, a historic black church in downtown Lexington that dates back to the city in the mid-1980s, hit an emotional speed bump during the work session of Urban County Council Tuesday afternoon. “It’s a sad day for our city,” said Richard Moloney, a member … Read more

Previous COVID Infection Does Not Guarantee Good Immunity: Study

[ad_1] You caught a case of COVID-19 and then received your first dose of the vaccine. Perhaps you now think that you are protected against coronavirus infections in the future. Think again: New research shows that a previous infection with COVID-19 alone does not guarantee a high level of antibodies against the coronavirus or a … Read more

Grieving families are supported during overdose awareness day

[ad_1] VERSAILLES, Ky. (WTVQ) – August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day. Strengthening Transformations, a non-profit organization in Versailles, hosted its second annual event to support families who have lost someone to an overdose. Strengthening Transformations says more than 2,000 people died of drug overdoses last year, a dramatic increase from 2019. The organization wants … Read more