Indiana Homeland Security Keeps Haunted Houses Safe – WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana weather

[ad_1] INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The Indiana Department of Homeland Security will ensure that haunted houses are up to code and safe for all visitors this Halloween season. To be licensed to operate, haunted houses must pass departmental inspections. “Our inspectors go out year round, but at this time of year the focus is on haunted … Read more

The FDA can save thousands of lives today

[ad_1] Through Marty makary Oct. 7 2021 3:52 PM ET Molnupiravir pills from drug maker Merck & Co. and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics LP. Photo: Merck With the stroke of a pen, the Food and Drug Administration could save the lives of thousands of Covid patients. Data released last week showed that the new antiviral pill molnupiravir, … Read more

COVID-19 forecast for October 7 shows steady drop in hospitalizations

[ad_1] OHSU and other hospitals will likely see a constant number of COVID-19 patients in Oregon as people become more lax on precautions. (OHSU / Christine Torres Hicks) The number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 in Oregon will continue to decline steadily over the new year, according to the latest forecast updates from the Oregon … Read more

DoD outlines steps to set up the Zero Trust Program Office

[ad_1] The Department of Defense describes the tools and capabilities it will need to set up its zero trust program office later this fall and improve its overall cybersecurity posture. Kelly Fletcher, a senior DoD career official serving as DoD’s chief information officer, told the Billington CyberSecurity Summit on Thursday that the department is in … Read more

Katiera Winfrey shares personal journey of fibroids, recovery – WISH-TV | Indianapolis News | Indiana weather

[ad_1] INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – About 80% of women are expected to develop fibroids – and sometimes they will never know because they have no symptoms. For those with symptoms, it can really turn their lives upside down. For several months, I have been sharing snippets of my fibroid journey on social networks. As a multicultural … Read more

List of news | Albany County, New York

[ad_1] Albany County Director Daniel P. McCoy provided the latest report on the county’s progress on vaccination and controlling the spread of the coronavirus. Yesterday, 71.8% of all residents of Albany County received at least the first dose of the vaccine and 65.9% were fully immunized. The first-dose vaccination rate for the county’s population aged … Read more

San Francisco to relax some face mask requirements

[ad_1] San Francisco plans to lift the requirements for indoor face masks in limited environments. City officials said on Thursday that as long as new Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations remain stable or decrease, some mask requirements will be relaxed on October 15 in various settings, including offices, gyms and centers. fitness, religious gatherings and college … Read more

Valley Views: Come Back, Customer Service | New

[ad_1] It all started with gas pumps. Without warning (to me), suddenly in the 70s, when I parked my car at a gas station, a friendly attendant was no longer trotting up to my window to ask, “Regular or ethel?” In order to stabilize the rapid rise in gas prices, the post was abolished. OK, … Read more

Injection of medical cement leaks, hardens, pierces human heart

[ad_1] What a surgical mishap in the heart of stone. A man who was injected with cement into damaged vertebrae in his spine nearly died a week after his operation when the cement sank, hardening into a four-inch piece of concrete that stabbed his heart and lungs, according to a study. The 56-year-old man had … Read more