Real-world data shows filters clean COVID-causing virus from the air

[ad_1] Highly efficient devices called HEPA filters (right) successfully remove coronavirus particles from the air.Credit: Getty Research at a hospital flooded with people with COVID-19 confirmed that portable air filters effectively remove SARS-CoV-2 particles from the air – the first such evidence in a real environment1. The results suggest that air filters could be used … Read more

Linwood News: historic gardening program; Open House of Operation Fauna; Screening of the film War of the Worlds

[ad_1] The historic gardening program is Thursday The Linwood Community Library will host a gardening program with a historic twist this week. The event will begin at 6:30 pm This Master Gardener’s main program will look at herbal medicine from the 1800s and the roles of women. Participants will learn how the secrets of the … Read more

‘Eco-anxiety’: fear of environmental disaster weighs on young people | Anxiety

[ad_1] The climate crisis is increasingly weighing on the mental health of children and young people, experts have warned. Rising levels of “eco-anxiety” – chronic fear of environmental disaster – were likely to be underestimated and damaging for many in the long run, public health experts said. Writing in the British Medical Journal, Mala Rao … Read more

Harvard Researchers Say ‘Structural Change’ Is Needed To Address Global Health Crisis | New

[ad_1] Harvard researchers have described the lifestyle changes that should occur at the societal level to optimize the health and well-being of the general population and the planet by a statement in The Lancet Tuesday. The São Paulo Declaration on Planetary Health – which has been signed by more than 250 organizations from 47 countries … Read more

Congress plans short-term debt relief at perilous dead end – Boston News, Weather, Sports

[ad_1] WASHINGTON (AP) – Republican and Democratic leaders backed down slightly on Wednesday after a perilous standoff over lifting the country’s borrowing cap, with Democratic Senators signaling they were receptive to an offer from Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell , which would allow an emergency extension until December. McConnell made the offer shortly before Republicans … Read more

Indiana Swimming Sweeps Kentucky, Women Top Indiana State

[ad_1] Indiana Swimming kicked off its 2021-22 season with a victory Wednesday, Oct.6, beating Kentucky and Indiana State at the Councilman-Billingsley Aquatics Center. TEAM POINTS Men Indiana 171, Kentucky 115 Women Indiana 162, Kentucky 138 Indiana 253, State of Indiana 47 • More college news INDIANA SWIM WINNERS MEN Luc Barr – 100 breaststroke (55.48), … Read more

Seattle City Council unanimously backs decriminalization of psychedelic mushrooms

[ad_1] Seattle City Council on Monday voted unanimously in favor of a resolution supporting the decriminalization of psilocybin and other psychedelics. The resolution, which is non-binding and serves only as a recommendation to the Seattle Police Department, states “that the investigation, arrest and prosecution of anyone engaged in entheogen-related activity should be a priority the … Read more