County issues new indoor masking directive after COVID-19 clusters; active cases exceed CDC threshold

[ad_1] TOMPKINS COUNTY, NY – After 15 new cases of COVID-19 were reported yesterday, the Tompkins County Department of Health issued a health notice “encouraging all residents, regardless of their immunization status, to wear a mask when they are inside around others “. The total number of active COVID-19 cases in Tompkins County is now … Read more

Missouri doctor says people in his state are getting vaccines in disguise for fear of meeting friends or family who might judge them

[ad_1] Dr. Priscilla Frase is Medical Information Manager at Ozarks Healthcare in Missouri. She said people dress in disguise to get the COVID-19 vaccine. She said people are worried about the reaction of loved ones if they find out they have been vaccinated. See more stories on the Insider business page. A Missouri doctor said … Read more

‘Substantial spread’ of COVID-19 in Hamilton County

[ad_1] There is a “substantial spread” of COVID-19 in Hamilton County, health officials said on Friday. Hamilton County health officials said the Centers for Disease Control label a spread of “substantial” when an area sees more than 50 cases per 100,000 people in the past seven days. Hamilton County has 54.07 cases per 100,000. Cases … Read more

Doctors explain how Delta variant can infect those who are fully vaccinated, leading to increased hospitalizations

[ad_1] SAINT ANTHONY – The number of COVID-19 Delta variant cases is increasing in San Antonio, with a 66% increase in hospitalizations over the past week, according to city data. The region is also experiencing groundbreaking cases, which give a positive test result for COVID-19 in a person who is fully vaccinated. An internal document … Read more

American coronavirus: Spike in Covid-19 infections for unvaccinated people is just beginning, experts warn

[ad_1] “I think we’ll see this big, big acceleration,” Dr. Peter Hotez, co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Friday. “As bad as things are right now in the South, they are about to get worse for a lot of unvaccinated people.” Officials in southern states, … Read more

Utah Mask Mandate: Senate Speaker Says Mandates Won’t Return

[ad_1] Now that the dominant delta variant of the COVID-19 virus is considered as contagious as chickenpox, spread as easily by those who are fully vaccinated as by those who are not, will Utah follow the government’s lead? federal government and will take additional measures to control the increase in account cases? Not yet, Utah … Read more

Internal CDC presentation warns of new data on Delta variant

[ad_1] Unpublished research indicates that the Delta variant causes more serious illness and spreads as easily as chickenpox, and that people who are vaccinated can transmit the strain as easily as those who are not, according to an internal CDC presentation obtained by WashPost. Why is this important: The data played a key role in … Read more

How a Cape Cod Covid outbreak turned what we know about vaccines upside down and could put us all back in masks

[ad_1] When Joe Biden gave his first-ever prime-time speech to the nation as president, he expressed his high hopes that July 4 of this year would “mark independence” from Covid-19 – as long as the people would be vaccinated. Perhaps beach goers in Provincetown, many of whom are comfortable knowing they had done just that, … Read more

Massachusetts Department of Public Health issues updated face covering advisory

[ad_1] Boston – Today, the Department of Public Health (DPH) released updated guidelines for the use of face coverings and fabric masks by people fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This week, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released updated guidelines that continue to indicate that fully vaccinated people can generally resume many of … Read more