Austin Public Health Releases COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Dashboard

[ad_1] AUSTIN, Texas – Austin Public Health (APH) has released its COVID-19 vaccine distribution dashboard to provide up-to-date information on vaccinations in Austin-Travis County. The dashboard will be updated weekly and includes the total doses administered by APH organized by priority age group, zip code, race / ethnicity and the estimated population of Travis County … Read more

Fauci: CDC advice on getting kids back to class to be released ‘shortly’

[ad_1] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will likely issue new guidelines on reopening classrooms across America for in-person learning “before the end of this week,” the chief medical adviser said Monday. from the White House, Dr. Anthony Fauci. . “I think that would be important, rather than trying to get different opinions … Read more

Anti-vax content and vaccine misinformation now banned on Facebook

[ad_1] Almost a year after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Facebook is taking its toughest stance yet against vaccine misinformation by banning it entirely. The ban will not only apply to misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine. This means, for example, that posts claiming that vaccines cause autism or that measles can’t kill people are … Read more

Michigan coronavirus cases up to 569,417; The toll is now 14905

[ad_1] The number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Michigan rose to 569,417 on Monday, including 14,905 deaths, state officials report. Monday’s update includes 1,769 new cases and 11 additional deaths in the past two days. On Saturday, the state reported a total of 567,648 cases and 14,894 deaths. New cases of COVID-19 have leveled … Read more

Michigan coronavirus cases up to 569,417; The toll is now 14905

[ad_1] The number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Michigan rose to 569,417 on Monday, including 14,905 deaths, state officials report. Monday’s update includes 1,769 new cases and 11 additional deaths in the past two days. On Saturday, the state reported a total of 567,648 cases and 14,894 deaths. New cases of COVID-19 have leveled … Read more

COVID-19 numbers improve, but infections could increase exponentially with Super Bowl gatherings

[ad_1] WASHINGTON (CNN) – COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are declining across much of the United States, but health experts have warned that could change if fans gather on Sunday to watch the Super Bowl with people outside their homes. “When people get together in nearby private residences, it’s one of the most effective ways to … Read more

Congo braces for potential Ebola spread amid coronavirus

[ad_1] The Democratic Republic of the Congo could see a resurgence of Ebola, a deadly disease that caused the recent death of a woman in Butembo, a town in North Kivu province that had only reported in recent months the end of an Ebola epidemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Sunday that a … Read more

New research finds caffeine consumed during pregnancy can alter important brain pathways in babies – Science

[ad_1] New research shows that caffeine consumed during pregnancy can alter important pathways in the brain that could lead to behavioral problems later in life. Researchers at the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) analyzed thousands of brain scans of nine- and ten-year-old children and revealed changes in … Read more

New virus variants raise concerns over COVID-19 re-infections

[ad_1] AP – Evidence is mounting that having had COVID-19 may not protect against a new infection, with some of the newer variants. People can also get second infections with earlier versions of the coronavirus if they mount a weak defense the first time around, new research suggests. One of the big questions of the … Read more