“Vaccine tourism”: tens of thousands of Americans cross national borders to inject | Health in the United States

[ad_1] With over 50 unique vaccination plans across the United States, access to the Covid-19 vaccine largely depends on where one lives. In Wisconsin, mink farmers are being considered for the next phase of vaccine prioritization. In New Jersey, smokers can get priority access to the vaccine. In Colorado, journalists fall into the category of … Read more

New Yorkers set to drive six hours to get Nab Covid-19 vaccine

[ad_1] Faced with a limited supply of Covid-19 vaccine doses and what they say is a rambling system for getting appointments, some New York residents plan to travel hundreds of miles across the state to get vaccinate. Maura Laverty, a 66-year-old nurse from New Rochelle, a suburb of New York City, said she was preparing … Read more

It is okay to take pain relievers after the COVID-19 vaccine

[ad_1] You can safely take pain relievers to treat symptoms after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, experts say. Headaches, fever, body aches and chills are normal side effects of the vaccine and could mean your immune system is working. However, experts warn that taking pain medications or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) before getting the vaccine can … Read more

Coronavirus: 40,000 dead in California

[ad_1] California recorded its 40,000th death from COVID-19 on Friday, propelled beyond the tragic stage by a winter wave that has seen cases and deaths skyrocket in a state once seen as a model for effectively combating the coronavirus. Almost exactly one year after the coronavirus was first detected in California, one in 1,000 state … Read more

Senior health official fears vaccine will be less effective against South African strain

[ad_1] A senior health official said on Saturday that there were preliminary indications that coronavirus vaccines may prove less effective in protecting against the South African variant. “We don’t have any evidence yet that any of the variants are completely resistant to the vaccine, but there is preliminary evidence to say that maybe the vaccine’s … Read more

Some health workers continue to say no to a Covid-19 vaccine

[ad_1] Ohio officials recently said 60% of nursing home staff have yet to choose to be vaccinated. In New York City, Governor Andrew Cuomo said this month that state officials expect 30% of healthcare workers offered the vaccine will eventually refuse it. Two-thirds of staff at a Florida hospital refused the vaccine this month, leaving … Read more

Mayor Sylvester Turner announces engagement of daughter Ashley Turner

[ad_1] Ashley Turner, daughter of Mayor Sylvester Turner, marries. The mayor shared the happy news on Saturday at a press conference at the HOPE clinic, which is currently administering COVID-19 vaccines to high-risk priority people. “Excuse me if I’m a little excited my daughter got engaged today,” he said. “I said ‘yes’ before her. She … Read more

Chick-fil-A official rescued a Covid-19 vaccination clinic while driving after it was saved

[ad_1] Local Mount Pleasant hospitals opened the clinic on January 22 for residents eligible to receive the first injections of the Covid-19 vaccine. But shortly after the drive-thru opened, the computerized records management system was shut down, forcing hundreds of people to wait in heavy traffic. That’s when Jerry Walkowiak, the manager of a nearby … Read more