Hudson Valley measles epidemic sends 5 people to intensive care

[ad_1] Five were sent to the USI because of ongoing measles outbreaks in the Hudson Valley. People with measles now face bans and a daily fine. Download the Hudson Valley Post app On Monday, Rockland County officials confirmed that there are now 186 cases of measles in the area, an increase of 13 from just … Read more

See the schools in Arizona where measles vaccination rates are the lowest: AZ Data Central

[ad_1] According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, students must be vaccinated against measles, an infection that can cause pneumonia, brain damage, deafness and even death. Parents and guardians who choose not to vaccinate their children for medical reasons or personal beliefs must submit an exemption form to their child's school. Students without … Read more

"Shell on" challenge is the latest dangerous trend of Snapchat

[ad_1] Teens are challenging themselves by eating plastic wrappers, cardboard boxes and fruit zests – and posting videos of themselves doing it for Snapchat – in a bizarre new trend of social media called "shell on" . Although they are not as dangerous as the potentially fatal "Tide Pod Challenge" that involved eating laundry detergent … Read more

The New York City Department of Health anti-Vaxxers on the mandate of a vaccine

[ad_1] The New York law requires that every student entering or attending a public, private or parish school receive a cocktail of immunizations, although medical and religious exemptions are allowed. Many Orthodox Jews believe that vaccinations run counter to Jewish or Talmudic laws, leading to low vaccination rates in some communities, despite rabbis warning them … Read more

Israeli scientists create the first 3D printed heart with blood vessels

[ad_1] Scientists at Israel's Tel Aviv University said they created the world's first 3D printed heart with human tissue and blood vessels. Although the organ is about the size of a rabbit heart, researchers hope that the technology can one day be sufficiently developed to help human patients requiring a heart transplant. Senior researcher, Tal … Read more

Scientists restore cellular functions in the brain of dead pigs

[ad_1] TThe pigs came directly from the slaughterhouse, where workers had sliced ​​their jugular vein and carotid artery and then decapitated them. But from four hours after the animals' brains stabilized and for the next six hours, the brain became … well, a little less dead, University scientists reported Wednesday. Yale. By attaching the brains … Read more

Pig brains partially restored four hours after death

[ad_1] Copyright of the image Getty Images US scientists partially restored pig brain four hours after slaughter of animals. The findings could fuel debate on the barrier between life and death and provide a new avenue for research on diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. The study showed that brain cell death could be stopped and … Read more