Jorge Cruise says intermittent fasting beats low-carb alternative

[ad_1] Surprise Surprise. It's another week, which means a new series of keto news. But instead of a new study or celebrity touting the health benefits of high-carb diets, this week's episode does the opposite: shame. And people, we rejoice. According to Jorge Cruise – the coach responsible for transforming the lives of millions of … Read more

New York City threatens to close yeshivas on unvaccinated children – History

[ad_1] NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) – The health department of New York City threatens a fine and possibly closure several Yeshivas in Brooklyn continue to allow unvaccinated children attend classes despite previous warnings caused by a measles epidemic. Since last fall, nearly 300 people, mostly children, have contracted measles in New York, the majority … Read more

Stem cell proteins can help find a cure for blood cancer

[ad_1] The Asrij stem cell protein is poorly expressed in many human hematological malignancies. The researchers identified a stem cell protein that can play an important role in healing blood cancer. The study, performed on mice, suggests that a stem cell protein called Asrij is a new regulator of p53 stability suppressing wild-type tumors in … Read more

The Rockefeller University Pioneering Neuroscientist and Nobel laureate Paul Greengard dies at 93

[ad_1] Paul Greengard in 1987. Neurobiologist Paul Greengard, a Nobel laureate who has been diagnosed with neuronal and psychiatric diseases, died Wednesday, April 13, at the age of 93. Greengard joined The Rockefeller University Faculty in 1983, and was Vincent Astor Professor and Director of the Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Disease Research. When Greengard began … Read more

3 nutrients that can prevent nausea, headaches and migraines

[ad_1] Many of you must be familiar with the very popular ketogenic diet. For those who are not, it's a diet that is popular for offering quick weight loss. The diet includes foods that are extremely low in carbohydrates. At the same time, you must eat foods rich in good fats and protein. The drastic … Read more

"I did not know I would expose measles to women and babies"

[ad_1] Staff at Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital fear that newborns have been infected with measles after a 42-year-old man spent a lot of time in the hospital's maternity ward, reported Yediot Aharonot. Yoav Asif, a Tel Aviv resident and a new father, was diagnosed with measles shortly after the birth of his wife. Four days … Read more