Street bhang contains a large amount of feces & # 39;

[ad_1] One study indicates that the majority of cannabis sold on the streets of Madrid is contaminated with dangerous levels of faeces. Analysts have found traces of E. coli and Aspergillus bacteria, which examined 90 samples purchased in and around the Spanish capital. The samples that were wrapped in plastic "tassels" were the worst offenders, … Read more

Vaccine wars: social media gets into a fierce battle

[ad_1] NEW YORK (AP) – Like health officials facing measles outbreaks, internet companies are trying to contain the misinformation about vaccination that they have long helped to spread. Until now, their efforts for quarantine have been in vain. The Pinterest digital scrapbooking site – which is one of the leading online repositories of vaccine misinformation … Read more

Collective trauma in a destroyed city

[ad_1] Breaking News Emails Receive last minute alerts and special reports. News and stories that matter, delivered in the morning on weekdays. SUBSCRIBE April 5, 2019, 15:53 ​​GMT By Stephanie O'Neill, Kaiser Health News One of Carol Holcomb's last memories of her pine-covered neighborhood is the morning sun that reflected the red and gold on … Read more

13 confirmed cases of hepatitis A in Martin County

[ad_1] Health officials from Martin County said that there had been 13 confirmed cases of hepatitis A since January. The death of Jeffrey Kirsch and his wife Nancy had first been seen as suspect. It was later confirmed that they had both died of hepatitis A. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, … Read more